With the ongoing work on Batman's crime-focused crime clown-derived film, fans are getting plenty of information about Joaquin Phoenix's new movie. Joker.
Joker's original film is currently filming in New York, where Phoenix is making up completely like a clown, causing chaos on the streets and in the subway as he takes his first steps to become a major criminal force. in Gotham.
The new pictures of the set reveal that the character of Phoenix, Arthur Fleck, has good reasons to rejoice, because he is extremely satisfied with himself. Viewing:
#JoaquinPhoenix #JokerMovie pic.twitter.com/zQZxdxFJkG
– Joaquin Phoenix Joker (@JoaquinJoker) November 28, 2018
While some people are quick to call Joker a superhero movie, Phoenix insisted on caution and said it was all but.
"I would not describe it as any kind," Phoenix said in a recent interview with Collider. "I would not say it's a superhero movie, or a studio movie or a … It sounds unique, and I think more than anything, and probably the most important thing, is that Todd looks very passionate and very donor, and so it is I think that under the excitement of these films and their size, there are these incredible characters who face real conflicts, and sometimes they are discovered and exposed , and sometimes that's not the case, and I've always thought that some characters from the comics were really interesting and deserved the opportunity to be studied, and so I think that's what Todd sees attractive about this idea. "
Some people have questioned the need for a Joker derivative film, or even why Phoenix would agree to fill such a role. But the actor is simply following the footsteps of legends such as Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill.
"I take a lot of time and attention when making decisions and what I'm going to work on, always." Phoenix added. "So, in some ways, the process, which obviously involves reading a script and meeting a filmmaker, and then continuing to have meetings and discussions with Todd [Phillips]. I think he's very impressive and he seems to have a very interesting understanding of this world and what he's trying to say. So it has something very attractive and working with him on this particular project. It feels unique, it's its own world in some ways, and perhaps, above all, it scares the fucking of me or something of the sort. It could be the thing that scares you the most. "
Joker premieres in cinemas on October 4, 2019.
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