Long layoff could work to the benefit of Pacquiao


Filipino Senator and Boxing Hero Manny Pacquiao trains at a sneak peak of the press in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday, July 11, 2018. Pacquiao must fight Lucas Matthysse on July 15, 2018 to the welterweight title of the World Boxing Association in Malaysia. (AP Photo / Yam G-Jun)

It's been over a year since Manny Pacquiao defeated himself, but Oscar De La Hoya, another boxing legend, sees the long layoff to the benefit of the Filipinos rather than the opposite. The last time Pacquiao entered the ring, it was when he suffered a controversial defeat to Jeff Horn on July 2, 2017 in Brisbane, Australia

"This may affect him, his timing, but again, it can help him because it's cool and there is no wear and tear in his body.It is rested, mentally and physically, "De La Hoya has said Thursday.

De La Hoya, however, is concerned about the focus and preparation of Pacquiao before his fight against WBA welterweight against the hard Lucas Matthysse

"Manny Pacquiao has a lot on his plate. my father said, like when I was ten years old: "If you're not the fighter first, it's a tough battle," he said: "You have to put boxing first and second, you can not be a senator, you can not do this and that, you do not play boxing," he added. "You do not have teammates to hit a ball for you – it's just you and if you're not 100% focused then things can happen."

In addition To be a boxer, Pacquiao is also a senator and owner of a national basketball league in the Philippines.

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