NBA legend Yao Ming finally graduated from Shanghai University after seven years of promise to his parents


It took him a lot longer than expected, and he admitted that he was planning to leave several times, but the former NBA star and basketball hall Yao Ming finally graduated Sunday from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The 37-year-old was delighted to be posing photos with his parents wearing the traditional robe and mortar after the ceremony where he graduated in economics by honoring a promise that he would not be able to do so. he had done to his parents when he was 17 years old.

The 2.29-meter star also gave a speech to his classmates at the ceremony during which he joked about the time it took him to complete his courses.

"At some point in the future, you should try to combine your future with the future of society, because that is how you can find more space to explore," Yao said. said: "Let me quote a famous conversation that has happened on a basketball court 11 years since" This is going to be your league in a little while. "Believe me, when a man spends seven years at the # 39, university to graduate at age 38, he knows what he's talking about! "

Jackie Chan, Yao Ming campaign against ivory, shark's fin and rhinoceros horn

The former Houston Rockets player began his career in 2011 shortly after the end of his playing career.

Although he engaged in university life, Yao opted for "

Since his retirement, Yao has been busy with charity, campaigning to protect endangered species.

NBA supporters show nothing He bought his former Chinese basketball team from Shanghai in 2009 and was named president of the ABC last February.

In 2017, Yao's number 11 jersey was retired by his former NBA team, Hou Ston Rockets.

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