Netflix cancels Daredevil after three seasons


Netflix and Marvel TV's Daredevil will officially end after the third season, according to a release of the streaming service released for the first time by Deadline.

"We are extremely proud of the last and last season of the series and although this is painful for fans, we think it's best to close this chapter in style," the company said in a statement. "We are grateful to the showrunner Erik Oleson, his writers, his dazzling team and his incredible cast, including Charlie Cox as Daredevil, and we thank the fans who have supported the show over the years.

Netflix's statement also noted that although there is no new Daredevil episodes, the three seasons will continue to live on the platform. Netflix also noted that "the Daredevil The character will live in future projects of Marvel. "

Daredevil marks the third show that Netflix and Marvel have canceled; Iron fist and Luke Cage also completed this year. Jessica Jones and The punisher are the last two sets of the Netflix and Marvel collaboration that have not been canceled yet.

Disney is preparing to launch its own standalone streaming service in 2019 and is moving away from Netflix. Theatrical releases starting in 2019 will not be available on Netflix, while Marvel Studios begins preparing a series of original series for standalone service. Characters like Loki, Scarlet Witch, Falcon and Winter Soldier would be expected to receive their own series.

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