Once a critic, now Brazilian coach defends Neymar amid accusations of flop


Sochi, Russia • Tite, former coach of Neymar, defends the star behavior of his team

"Win or lose is part of the game," said Tite in 2012 after leading Corinthians. in a match against Santos and Neymar. "But pretending and trying to enjoy, it's not part of the game. It's a bad example for a child, for my son, for those who will watch this and think that it's good to enjoy others. "

Neymar was accused of feigning an injury in the game, and a video of

Mexican coach Juan Carlos Osorio criticized Neymar – not to mention his name – after the attacker Twisted in apparent agony after Miguel Layun sprained an ankle, then recovered as if no incident occurred during the 2-0 match. victory over El Tri.

"We lost a lot of time because of one player," Osorio said. "I think it's a real shame for football, especially for kids watching because it must be a sport of manhood, determination, a human sport, like other games, and not a masquerade. "

to answer Osorio, but Titus intervened before Neymar could start speaking during the press conference. Titus says that hierarchy must be respected in football. He said that only the coaches would answer the coaches, and that the players would only answer to the players.

Neymar was defended by many in Brazil, mostly because he played well and helped the team succeed in the World Cup, but he continued he was much criticized internationally for his antics.

The 26-year-old attacker said that some people were trying to attract attention by pursuing him. Others have tried to undermine it, he said.

"I do not care much about criticism," Neymar said after the match against Mexico. "Not even for praise sometimes, because it can affect the mind of a player.I only need to play football.I have to help my teammates, help my team.C & # 39; That's why I'm here I came here to win. "

Titus was not the first manager to criticize Neymar in Brazil

Rene Simoes, who coached many Brazilian clubs and led the Brazilian women's national team to a silver medal at the 2004 Olympics., did not save the words after a very young Neymar went crazy on the field for not being allowed to take a penalty for Santos in 2010, not respecting his teammates and coach

"We must do something to educate this child. "He said then." We are creating a monster. "

After a dozen years of duopoly, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo prematurely leave the World Cup to win the title of best player of the year. FIFA.

Neymar must help Brazil will lift the trophy next week if it wants to join the big, according to the World Cup winner who won the first individual FIFA prize

Cut the game-action would also help Neymar to win votes, 1990 Lothar Lothar "We need players like Neymar," said the former West German captain, who won the prize inaugural of the FIFA world player in 1991. "But not with this game that he was doing now in every game." [19659002] A debate about Neymar's injury and his overreaction to the tackles polarized the opinion between the European outrage and the Brazilian defense.

The former has English attacker Alan Shearer called Neymar's behavior "absolutely pathetic" in a British show on Monday. Neymar's theatricality turned away from Brazil's 2-0 win over Mexico, which brought the five-time champion to the quarter-finals.

"Criticism is absurd," Brazilian Ronaldo told reporters on Wednesday. "I am against all those opinions you mentioned, I do not think the referees are protecting him enough."

Ronaldo, three-time winner of the FIFA Best Player award, and Matthaeus spoke at the same time. a briefing on the individual award that Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have won five times in the last decade.

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