Owner training is essential to reduce the risk of dog bites


Dog attacks have been on the rise and it may be that owners who need to return to school. A new study published in Risk Analysis: An International Review studied what led dog owners to train their pets using positive reinforcement methods.

Positive reinforcement training methods are considered to be the most effective and humane approach to training dogs, but many owners are failing to apply this technique effectively.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.7 million Americans are bitten by a dog each year and by 2018 there have been 36 dog bite deaths. Despite legal liabilities and possible euthanasia, many dog ​​owners have not learned how to effectively manage their dog's aggressive behavior.

This study found that the perceived effectiveness of positive reinforcement and the level of owners' confidence in their abilities were key factors in the use of such techniques. The researchers – Emma J. Williams and Emily Blackwell, University of Bristol, UK – also explored the potential role of psychological factors such as the owner's emotional state, social influence and cognitive biases on the use of positive reinforcement.

The study aimed to test a theory of social science called protection theory, which suggests drawing attention to the owners' appreciation of the threat of dog misbehavior as well as by the assessment by the owners of the potential effectiveness of positive reinforcement. The participants were recruited with the help of an online survey panel and 630 people completed the questionnaire.

Perceived trust (ie, self-efficacy) in the use of different reinforcement techniques, including positive reinforcement, at home and in public, appears to be the two most important factors. more influential underlying the way owners choose to manage their dog's behavior, closely followed by perception. the severity of the behavior (ie the threat). However, many respondents reported feeling stress and anxiety when their dog misbehaved and said that it reduced their confidence in their ability to effectively manage their dog's behavior.

Among the behaviors that homeowners struggle to solve, they may quote a stiff posture with raised hackles and intense looks, barking, grunting, growling, fleeing, snapping, pinching and / or biting.

The role of self-efficacy suggests that it's not enough to just tell homeowners what techniques to use and how to use them. Instead, owners need help to feel they can use these techniques, especially when their dog is aggressive.

"This study suggests that people probably need practical support to learn how to use positive methods.This support should both demonstrate the effectiveness of rewards-based training and give them the opportunity to do so. opportunity to put their skills into practice with the help of specialists, to really feel confident using techniques when they encounter difficult scenarios, "says Williams. "It is important to note that this research also highlights the emotional impact that an attempt at managing a responsive dog can have.It is important for owners, and practitioners who help them, to think how they can best manage their own well-being and their reactions, as well as those of the dog, while navigating their training trip. "

Future interventions should aim to increase owners' confidence in the effective implementation of these methods in different scenarios, as well as to help them manage their own emotional responses to a difficult situation. Giving homeowners the time and space to practice techniques in a variety of environments will likely contribute to building trust.


Risk Analysis: An International Review is published by the nonprofit Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), an international, interdisciplinary and scholarly society, which offers an open forum for anyone interested in risk analysis, a function essential in modern and complex societies. Risk analysis includes risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management and risk policy for individuals, public and private sector organizations and local level companies regional, national and global. For more information, visit http: // www.SRA.org.

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