Prince Eze of Perpetual Wins Defensive Player Player of the Year


Due to the disqualification of CJ Perez, suspended Lyceum star, Eze goes on to MVP Award

Published at 4:30 pm, November 06, 2018

Updated 16:30 on 06 November 2018

MVP. Prince Eze wins NCAA Player of the Year Award 94 and Defensive Player of the Year. Photo of Michael Gatpandan / Rappler

MVP. Prince Eze wins NCAA Player of the Year Award 94 and Defensive Player of the Year. Photo of Michael Gatpandan / Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – This is a fitting start for Prince Eze, the anchor of the Perpetual Altas, who has won the NCAA Player of the Year Award 94 and Defensive Player of the Year. 39; year.

Due to the disqualification of CJ Perez, the suspended Lyceum star, Eze earned the MVP title with a total value of 61.39 players (PAV). The triple double machine of Letran, Bong Quinto, arrived far behind with a PAV of 48.83.

The Big Three of San Beda Red Lions, Robert Bolick (48.39 PAV), Javee Mocon (47.89 PAV) and Donald Tankoua (46.56 PAV) completed the Mythical Five team.

Larry Muyang (42 PAV) was hailed as the rookie of the year, ahead of Justin Gutang (39.61 PAV) from CSB.

Hamadou Laminou (EAC), Mike Nzeusseu (Lyceum), Michael Calisaan (San Sebastian) and Donald Tankoua (San Beda) complete the defensive team with Eze.

The awards ceremony will be held on Monday, November 12, before the second game of the final. –

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