Red and processed meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer


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If your diet is heavy in red meat and processed, it may be time to make some adjustments. A study of nearly 500,000 people published on April 17 International Journal of Epidemiology found that people who ate red or processed meat at least four times a week had a 20% higher risk of colorectal cancer than those who ate less than twice a week. The risk of colorectal cancer has increased by 19% for every 25 grams daily serving of processed meat, which is equivalent to one slice of ham. And for every 50 grams of red meat a day – which is equivalent to a piece of thick beef roast – the risk of colorectal cancer has increased by 18%. Alcohol was also associated with a higher risk of colon cancer: only half a liter of beer a day increased the risk of colon cancer by 8%.

But the study was not bad news. A number of foods have been associated with a lower risk of colon cancer, including high fiber foods such as bread and breakfast cereals. However, greater consumption of vegetable and fruit fiber did not seem to reduce the risks.

In the UK, where the study was conducted, the government recommends people not to consume more than 90 grams of red or processed meat per day. The findings suggest that this threshold may be too high and should be revisited, according to the study's authors.

Image: © GMVozd / Getty Images

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