
Here are the best articles and future coverage plans for the Reuters courier service starting at 10 pm. GMT / 6 hours SGT. For a full calendar of news and events, go to our editorial calendar on Reuters Connect here or on Media Express here



Trump is trying to calm the political storm on Putin's summit WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump on Tuesday attempted to calm a storm over his failure to hold Russian President Vladimir Putin responsible for interfering in the 2016 US elections, saying that it's only a matter of time. was poorly expressed at a joint press conference in Washington. Helsinki. YANGON (Reuters) – A Reuters reporter on trial in Myanmar said police interrogations after he and one of his colleagues were arrested in December focused on the Rohingya issue. their report of a massacre of Rohingya Muslims, not on secret state documents that they are accused of obtaining.

U.S. NEW YORK (Reuters) – Four US states on Tuesday sued the federal government to overturn the federal government's new $ 10,000 cap on federal and local tax deductions included in President Donald Trump's 2017 tax review.


U.S. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A US grand jury on Tuesday indicted a Russian woman accused of being an agent of the Russian government, the Justice Ministry said.


Fed Powell: Years of Strong Jobs, Still Low Inflation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said on Tuesday was challenged at a congressional hearing by senators who feared that the Trump administration's trade policy was already hurting businesses in their districts.


Goldman Sachs Stressed Strategy As New CEO Confirmed

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Was Pressed For Details On New Businesses After Uneven Performance In Second Quarter, a likely glimpse of incoming challenges CEO David Solomon will be confronted with the overhaul of the Wall Street Bank.

Kurt Cobain's daughter says it's time for the United States to go beyond the taboo of mental health

DUBLIN (Reuters) – Kurt Cobain's daughter said Tuesday that the United States should overcome their taboo on mental health and addiction nearly a quarter of a century after his rock star father took him his own life.


Two Eds better than one: Two Ed Sheerans seen in Berlin but the real Ed stays away

BERLIN (Reuters) – Fans of the English songwriter Ed Sheeran did not believe their eyes came to the inauguration of his wax figure in Madame Tussauds of Berlin and saw it – or at least that's what it was. they thought he was going out of a limousine.



U.S. Open tennis will offer record prices in 2018

The singles champions of the open tennis tournament of the United States will leave New York in September with a larger wallet than the winners of last year.

Former Ohio State Wrestlers Prosecute School Claiming That He Ignored Sexual Abuse

Four Former University Wrestlers From Ohio State University sued on Monday, claiming that his sports doctor had sexually assaulted them. 20 years old and the school has not managed to stop him.



In the midst of the Venezuelan crisis, engineers turning plastic waste into auto parts

Two young Venezuelan engineers started a business which turns plastic waste into raw material for 3D printers that manufacture auto parts, turning waste into increasingly scarce goods in the collapse of the socialist economy of OPEC.

Jul 18


Interview with Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangwagwa Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangwagwa talks with Reuters on the eve elections.

Jul 18


China will not allow the Philippines to fall into a "debt trap" -voyance

China will not allow the Philippines to fall into a "debt trap", even as it's committed to distributing loans and grants to help finance the country's massive infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia , the Beijing ambassador said Tuesday.

18 Jul


British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt Meets His South Korean Counterpart

British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt Meets South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs foreign Kang Kyung-wha.

18 Jul


UK British Prime Minister before the Parliamentary Liaison Committee

British Prime Minister Theresa May answering the questions of the British legislators before the Committee of parliamentary liaison, a global committee questioning the prime minister about the main issues affecting the country.

Jul 18, 11:00 ET, 3:00 PM GMT


Do you want a jersey suit? Well now you can

Jet costumes on sale in London as the man who invented them Richard Browning shows how they work.

18 Jul, 05:00 ET, 09:00 GMT


Press conference of the Greek Minister for Migration

Dimitris Vitsas, Greek Minister for Migration, gives a conference of press on bottom of agreement with Germany the reinstatement of asylum seekers under certain circumstances, and some camps in the peripheral Greek islands are still full to capacity.

18 Jul, 03:30 ET, 07:30 GMT



A defense lawyer says that A Turkish court could release a US pastor [19659004] A US pastor tried in Turkey for terrorism and spying could be released on Wednesday when prosecution witnesses will eventually testify in a case that has dug a gap between two NATO allies, said his lawyer.

18 Jul



Tablet technology comes to inmates, for a price

Eight years after that. Apple has introduced most Americans to the iPad, Inmates are starting to use tablets in prisons and prisons across the country. Although they can send e-mails to family members and receive education and job training, many of these programs have high prices and hidden fees.

July 18, 06:00 ET, 10:00 GMT

Business / Economics


George & # 39; s Fed talks about economic prospects

The President of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, Esther George, who has long supported more aggressive interest rate hikes than her colleagues, speaks at an agricultural symposium. From the next Fed meeting, she will have a political vote as long as the first post at the San Francisco Fed, holding one of the rotating voting seats for 2018, remains vacant.

July 17, 20:00 ET, 00:00 GMT


U.S. banks record outstanding trading activity in the last quarter

A look at how bank performance has changed in the last quarter. The outlook for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley differed in their ability to rely on market volatility, with Morgan Stanley downplaying the seasonal rise in trading revenues in the first quarter. Goldman argued that sustainable drivers had emerged, which justified reinvestment in the company and that a "normalization" was underway for fixed income trading. Rival JP Morgan reported outstanding trading income last Friday.

18 Jul, 09:30 ET, 13:30 GMT


CEO of Novartis Vas Narasimhan gives results of H1, results of new drugs

Novartis publishes the first half results as the company continues to expect a return to growth in 2018 after digesting most of Gleevec's success two years ago that brought down the anti-cancer drug from its pillar in as the best-selling medicine in Switzerland.

18 Jul, 03:00 ET, 07:00 GMT


Leading hedge fund managers share ideas, market observations at the CNBC conference

CNBC and Institutional Investor host the 8th annual Alpha Ken Griffin, James Chanos and newcomers Samantha Greenberg and Alex Denner who will talk about their most important investment ideas and the market environment at a time when fears of commercial wars and rising interest rates markets.

Jul 18


EU antitrust authorities should fine Google in Android case

Google should be fined record European antitrust on his Android mobile operating system.

July 18


Need help with your benefits? Get ready to wait

On a cold morning of last December, more than 50 people lined up outside the Social Security office in Chicago Heights, an hour before its opening time, to 9 hours. In a series of articles, Reuters is looking into increasing waiting times in the field offices of Social Security and on its toll-free telephone line; the decreasing number of field offices; the alarming backlog of disability insurance appeals; and possible solutions to the customer service crisis of the agency.

18 Jul


AIRSHOW-Farnborough 2018

The Greatest Air Show in the World, alternating between Farnborough and Le Bourget each year

18 Jul

USA- RESULTS / DOLLAR [19659004AmericanFortrollawardforspremethicsoftheReportoftheRelatedCountry

A stronger dollar has made Netflix Inc its first victim of the second quarter earnings season, but probably not the last, and the greenback thrust should have businesses caught off guard for become more aggressive in currency hedging.

18 Jul, 01:00 ET, 05:00 GMT


Bulgarian farmers protest mass slaughter of cattle

Bulgarian farmers and citizens are organizing a protest rally in the capital Sofia against the massive slaughter of sheep and goats ordered by the government following the first epidemic in the European Union of the highly contagious Small Ruminant Pest (PPR). The Bulgarian authorities have already shot thousands of animals.

18 Jul, 05:00 ET, 09:00 GMT


The Colombian Petroleum Association Offers Ideas From President Elect Duque

The Colombian Petroleum Association will present to President-elect Ivan Duque a series of political ideas to boost the exploration and production of crude oil.

Jul 18


Federal Reserve Chairman Powell Testifies at Financial Services Committee of the House

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell presents a semiannual testimony to the House Financial Services Committee in Washington.

Jul 18, 10:00 am ET, 2:00 pm GMT



Elite engineers are defying the l & # x39; India's ban on homosexuality

One of the most prominent groups contesting a 150-year-old law that outlaws homosexuality in India comes from the best schools in India. engineers of the country. Students and alumni of Ivy-League Indian Institutes of Technology – largely including openly gay men – petitioned the Supreme Court this month at what many see as a decision in favor of decriminalization of homosexuality. Most men have faced some form of discrimination or blackmail to be gay.

The rights of homosexuals in India have so far been defended in court by non-profit organizations and individual activists. But the group representing students from IIT's elite schools, whose graduates are typically hired by Apple, Google, and Microsoft, hopes their presence in the audience hearings will strengthen the voice LGBT people in India.

18 Jul



Opening of the three-day meeting of the IOC Executive Board

Beginning of the three-day meeting of the International Executive Committee of the Olympic Committee in Lausanne. dedicated to the IOC President's report, good governance and reports on Paris 2024 and Beijing 2022.

18 Jul, 02:50 ET, 06:50 GMT


Golf – British Open: Players Put Finishing Varnish In Preparation

A hot favorite is hard to find in Carnoustie, where super-fast, fast conditions could give more players a chance to compete than usual in what will become a challenge new experience to many.

18 Jul



MORE WIDE IMAGE – The last bells manufacturers of Greece perpetuate the secular trade

In one from the last small bells foundries of Greece small town of Paramythia, the Galanopoulos brothers are busy throwing church bells towards Ethiopia and Romania, pouring red-hot molten metal into molds of different sizes. Their family business has existed for 215 years. These days, exports keep him alive.

18 Jul, 05:00 ET, 09:00 GMT


FRANCE – Non-competitive offers BTF

18 Jul, 05:00 ET, 09 : 00 GMT

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