The Advent calendar contains an embarrassing mistake – and it makes parents panic


Christmas enthusiasts have officially launched their festive countdown this weekend by opening the first doors of their Advent calendar.

And while most were excited about their chocolate treat (or beauty gift, swollen bottle or other exciting gift if they had one), the people buying their John Lewis calendar were a little confused.

People have spotted a rather embarrassing mistake behind the first door on Saturday, and the same for door number two.

In addition to a beautiful photo and a chocolate, there is also a countdown for Christmas inside the door – but that was wrong.

Door 1 indicates that it remains 16 days before Christmas, but unfortunately, the wait is longer, and Door 2 indicates that the big day is 24 days.

Although the Advent Calendar is stocked by John Lewis, it's not one of their own products, and the calendar is actually made by the Woodmansterne Gift Company.

People took on social media to share their disappointment with the mistake, which also left some people a bit panicked

A spokesman for Woodmansterne said: "We are dashed to learn that there is an error on one of our Advent calendars.

"If you are concerned, please contact with your address and a photo of your Advent calendar and we will do our best to remedy it as soon as possible."

John Lewis also issued a statement in which he states: "We are sorry for the disappointment caused by the opening of this advent calendar by customers.

"The vendor is working closely with us and other retailers to remedy this situation as quickly as possible." For customers who have purchased one of these advent calendars from John Lewis, we offer them a refund full."

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