The Keto diet helped this woman to stop eating emotionally


My first memory of being overweight goes back to the third year, when we were asked to get on a scale for a weigh-in (although I do not remember why it was even a thing at the time). I stood nervously at the back of the line to be able to leave last. I remember staying behind a boy who was sweating like me. He weighed 102 pounds, then I weighed 103.

He threw me this look as he felt my pain to be one of the heavier kids in the class. Another student started laughing and making fun of me weighing more than the heaviest boy in the class.

My parents divorced when I was in fourth grade and I never had a stable home because I was shaken between them. I did not know what a healthy diet was. We ate a lot of junk food and fast food because that's what we could afford. Sodas, chips and pastries were staple foods in my diet.

In college, I had about 190 pounds, but I did not see myself as having a weight problem. That being said, I knew that I had an emotional drinking problem that did not seem to go away. Whenever there was an argument at home, I bury myself in my room and covered my face with everything I could find unhealthy in the house, like muffins or giant French fries. Costco. Or, I went to the convenience store and filled myself with brownies, chips and a 32 ounce iced raspberry tea.

In high school, I worked at Wendy's. Although I joined the athletics team and lost weight, my diet consisted of what was on the cafeteria menu for breakfast and lunch – chicken nuggets, tacos or turkey and gravy – because I was part of the program for low-income families these meals for free. Plus, I also ate for free while working in the fast food chain.

After graduating from high school in 2008, I started working on television, I took over jobs and I finally went to university to get my degree from Two year associate. I have tried to lose weight throughout this period, but I was very busy, stressed and saw my weight fluctuating over the years.

Then, in 2017, I received a call that changed my life.

My father was in the hospital, cerebral, and he was not going to wake up. After my father's death, all I wanted to do was eat the fattening foods I ate with him as a child. I wanted to cook and eat everything that he had taught me to do. In less than six months, I went from 240 pounds to almost 300 pounds – and seeing that number on the scale was my turning point.

This fall, I made a pact with my cousins ​​to start losing weight. In the end, I wanted to lose weight once and for all because I did not want to get sick like my father. He started with high blood pressure and diabetes that evolved into coronary heart disease. Then it's a stroke that took her life. He was only 55 years old.

I decided to become vegan and stay out of balance. I felt good, I had a lot of energy and my skin shone. But my meat craving has never really vanished.

On June 28, 2018, I started the keto diet after finding information about it online.

Like other people struggling with a weight problem, I was always on the line looking for different weight loss programs, and one of the restorative plans who kept coming back was the keto diet. I was so desperate that I decided to try the diet immediately and at that time.

I associated the keto diet with intermittent fasting at the beginning. Over time, I continued to decrease my feeding window (which meant that I ate less often and I was fasting longer) and that the pounds were losing even faster. Although this may not be suitable for everyone, intermittent fasting and keto helped me to develop a healthier relationship with food because habits forced me to be really listening to the signals. from hunger of my body. I was constantly wondering if I was really hungry or bored and if I wanted to nibble.

At the moment, I am having an intermittent fasting plan of 16: 8. I am happy with my career and I decided to enjoy the keto lifestyle that I chose to adapt and continue to shape my body. over time. The macros that I am for the ketogenic diet are: 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbohydrate.

Another tip: One of the tools I found absolutely essential in my weight loss journey is my food diary.

Here is what I eat in a day now:

  • Breakfast: Bulletproof coffee with ghee and coconut oil
  • Post-workout snack: Protein shake with two balls of Ora chocolate protein, avocado, almond milk and ice
  • Breakfast: Two eggs, two slices of bacon and avocado
  • snacks: Olives and nuts (macadamia or pecan) with tea or coffee keto
  • Having dinner: Salmon cooked in olive oil with stir-fried or steamed broccoli
  • Dessert: Lily's chocolate with berries or peanut butter with celery and blueberries

    I kept my exercise light when I started playing keto.

    I stayed 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes to lift light weights with high repetitions. On days when I had more energy, I took the opportunity to lift myself more heavily. Over the months, I started using harder cardio machines, such as the treadmill and possibly the StairMaster. I usually do the StairMaster every day now, because my goal is to build a solid booty. I work five to six times a week these days.

    Exercise has become my biggest form of stress relief. My career has been amazing and rewarding (I am now 11 times winner of an Emmy Award!), But it 's also one of the main sources of stress in my life because it' s one of the best. is an intense industry. For many years, I gave in to stress while eating, but now I let everything go through my workouts.

    I want other women who are perhaps on a similar weight loss course to not sweat the little things like getting into a gym among some girls in great shape. This feeling of embarrassment kept me away for a long time.

    I lost 90 pounds so far on Keto.

    When I started, I was only expecting to lose 30 or 40 pounds. Fifty pounds was unimaginable for me. So, being 90 years late? It seems unreal.

    I lost my twenties because of obesity and depression and I promised myself that I was not going to lose my thirties as well. The seriousness of this weight loss journey struck me at the age of 29 after everything I tried had not worked. This triggered a fire in me to push as hard as possible to enter the thirties feeling absolutely better.

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