
The comically large map of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, that players can spend more than 100 hours exploring without completing all their quests and cleaning all their caves and forts, will not expand with the first expansion of the game. This is a change from the way in which the series has managed the downloadable extensions in the past.
Cry of freedom, Dead kings, and The curse of the pharaohsto name just a few of the many paid extensions recently sold Assassin's Creed games – all added a new territory beyond the default map of their game.
Inheritance of the first blade, the first extension for October Odyssey, is instead placed on the main game map, said a representative of the game's publisher, Ubisoft, to Kotaku. They have not been able to confirm whether or not the game has new interiors.
This does not mean that Ubisoft skimp on the extension, for which it continues to charge 25 dollars, or $ 40 if you opt for both extensions of the game in a season pass. There seems to be a lot of new ones in Inheritance of the first blade, which tells a story of Odyssey the meeting of the protagonist with the proto-Assassin Darius, the first user of the famous hidden blade of the series. An extension trailer features new characters, new cutscenes and new items, such as a ship with a flamethrower.
Since the announcement of September OdysseyThe extensions of the software do not allow to know how the extensions will be added to the game. OdysseyCreators and public relations representatives insisted that they adopted a new approach to content after publication by distributing story-telling chapters: three by extension on two extensions, one on Darius and one on lost city of Atlantis. Last years Assassin's Creed Origins had two extensions that were released in their entirety at once, and each added a new landmass with new places to explore and quests to complete. How a new land mass could be added for episodic extensions was unknown. This question is now irrelevant, Ubisoft asserting that at least for First blade we will be on the same map we used for the rest of the game. (We did not ask if that was the way it would work for the Atlantis expansion as well, and the door remains open for things to change on the existing map and for new interior spaces to be added.)
Like with originExpansions, players will need to have a certain level to access the content. The representative of Ubisoft said Kotaku Players must be level 28 or higher and have completed a series of quests related to Naxos Island in the seventh main chapter of the game.
Inheritance of the first bladeThe first episodic chapter, Hunted, will go live Odyssey Tuesday, December 4, giving all players and creators of the game the opportunity to see how this new approach materializes.
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