When it comes to beauty pageants, we Filipinos are one of the most assiduous and supportive fans in the world … the universe. And to be fair to our representatives, they always seem to have promenades and signature lines in the Miss Universe contest. There was Venus Raj's "Major Major", Shamcey Supsup's "Tsunami Walk", and Pia Wurtzbach's iconic "Confidently beautiful with a heart".
This time, Catriona Gray engages in her approach with a "slow motion".
The preliminary competition is live right now https://t.co/FmYSy2ZQx1 pic.twitter.com/Hx47ZhFp0B
– Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) December 13, 2018
Catriona represented the country during the preliminary competition of Miss Univers 2018 and slipped the track in long dress and swimsuit. People can not handle the way she is killing him with confidence and Pinoys is asking him to win the crown this year.
#CatrionaGray killed in the preliminary round! The two steps were incredible! A sin! So graceful and unique! Pang slow mo !!!!! ???? #CatrionaGray # MissUniverse2018# MissUniversePhilippines2018
– Anne Curtis-Smith (@annecurtissmith) December 13, 2018
Catriona Gray did all that. I do not want to assume, but this girl is a fighter, her way of walking, her way of talking, her smile, every thing she does? She does it at her best. Plus, I love his confidence. # MissUniverse2018
pic.twitter.com/Er4Ky3amaQ– Addry (@yreneaaddryvy) December 13, 2018
This whirlwind !!! Yas Gurl !!! # MissUniverse2018
And even with Catriona, I also had a black belt at a young age – but from my father when he spanked me charot pic.twitter.com/OuWvblJlGm
– Renzo Blanco (@RenzoEnrico_) December 13, 2018
Catriona Gray to everyone. Charot!# MissUniverse2018 #Missiphilippines pic.twitter.com/ZnWuZUbSGz
– Ethel Booba (@IamEthylGabison) December 13, 2018
DAMN U'REEEEE SOOOOOOOO FINE, CATRIONA ? KEEP THE SLAYIN 'THIS STADIUM! ?? # MissUniverse2018 #Philippines pic.twitter.com/B4YUqGJ2RN
– mark geronimo (@markgeronimo_) December 13, 2018
Catriona Gray to everyone. Charot!# MissUniverse2018 #Missiphilippines pic.twitter.com/ZnWuZUbSGz
– Ethel Booba (@IamEthylGabison) December 13, 2018
this walk! that smize! this body! that all that is gaaaawd ayaw paawat nor muning hahaha #Philippines #CatrionaGray #Miss Universe ??? pic.twitter.com/sSlNt8LA3y
– teng (@popodapolous) December 13, 2018
His turn is so good that some people "ask" to make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Honestly, this whirlwind of Catriona Gray can already feed millions of starving Filipinos, so I keep replaying it. Where can I sign the petition to officially make the Catriona Whirlpool a UNESCO Heritage Site?#Missiphilippines # MissUniverse2018
– Neo (@NeoEspena) December 13, 2018
The wigs fly while Catriona Gray, the "queen of the slo-mo", struts on the track.
QUEEN OF SLO-MO https://t.co/OzkGwDUbnv– incVincent? (@VinQuilop) December 13, 2018
Who needs a video editor when you can do a live slo-mo!
Catriona Gray does not need a video editor, she can slo-mo and speed up her motion by herself. We lived Adobe Premiere Pro. # MissUniverse2018 #CatrionaElisaMagnayonGray #Philippines#MUning
– Tita Maroon (@TitaMaroon) December 13, 2018
Catriona Gray was the first competitor to do slow mo live #Miss Universe chrt. ??pic.twitter.com/vZAjOCSdyH
– Korte Supremo ??
(@KorteSupremo_) December 13, 2018
Client: No budget for the high speed camera.
Catriona: Hold my beer. pic.twitter.com/1lvG1fPFLM– Creative Manila (@CreativesOfMNL) December 13, 2018
Some thought it was just a buffer because we all have ~ stable ~ internet connections here at PH.
Yung akala mo nag buffer yun pala slo-mo ride! Go girl !!! #CatrionaGray #Cat #Pusa #Muning #Meowww #Mingming #Miss Universe ?? pic.twitter.com/fX8dYf7wxK
– ?????? (@krizzy_kalerqui) December 13, 2018
We could as well award him an award for interpretation, as the expression of his face goes from "I'm just going to be too cute here" to "I'm really here to steal the crown", IN A SNAP ! Do you get a girl who can do both, indeed!
Agree, Catriona Gray can change the expression of her face from a fierce and ardent goddess into a sweet young lady in a blink of an eye.
She should also receive the best actress award next to # MissUniverse2018 crowned. ?
– Bonnie Regato (@bonnienay) December 13, 2018
We are pretty sure to win or lose, Catriona is definitely packing her hair products because of her "parang-May-electric-fan-its-buhok spin. "
Parang may electric fan na installed his buhok nor mumshiepic.twitter.com/R9dcu7TMuN
– Jai Cabajardashian (@jaicabajar) December 13, 2018
And because we are Pinoys, we are definitely making this iconic memory this idle whirlwind.
me: h-
o shopping flying mop: pic.twitter.com/LAihzqMRjN
– beauché knowles (@chrsdle) December 13, 2018
get me out of a class after being on the phone the whole period pic.twitter.com/Uxg3hX3L3b
– randolph (@rabdolph) December 13, 2018
me as a group leader pic.twitter.com/mQuO7VkT1d
(@ itsbeben11) December 13, 2018
Pag finally makakauwi ka napic.twitter.com/R9dcu7TMuN
– Jai Cabajardashian (@jaicabajar) December 13, 2018
Catriona made us understand that life was really unfair to most of us and when God put all her beauty, elegance and talent in the universe, she was one of those who were ahead.
Zoologist in the country Catriona Gray biruin if it's about understanding what you do
– WATUSI GUEVARA (@keiakamatsu) December 13, 2018
She may not have won the Miss World title in 2010, but maybe it was for Miss Universe this year.
Catriona Gray did not win the World for a reason. And that's because it's destined for the universe. #Miss Universe #Philippines
– Jai Cabajardashian (@jaicabajar) December 13, 2018
"Nuf said!
Catriona Gray, the next Miss Universe. That's it, it's the tweet !! #Missiphilippines ???pic.twitter.com/LtkkfFfrDE
– Azén ? (@ _LManoban1997) December 13, 2018
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