Tiger Woods made people believe that his return was complete … for 38 minutes


Only three years after several back surgeries managed to come out of agony, let alone play golf, he was there, leading the Open Championship to Carnoustie.

Then came a double boguey on the 11th, followed by a Bogey out of 12, who saw Woods lose his lead and challenge for a 15th major unraveling.

"I know it's going to pique a bit here," Woods said of his two-hole collapse, but he remained philosophical. "Given where I was, where I am now, I am blessed.

READ: Journey of Ash Turner with cerebral palsy to his open championship debut

" At the beginning of the year, if they had I said that I would play the championship open, I would have said that I would be very lucky to do it. "

Can Woods win another major?

Golf makes people talk like Woods.

The Golf Channel Tiger Tracker showed a heat map of users from Twitter in the United States talking about Woods as he was gaining momentum at the top of the rankings.

the first time Woods had led the Sunday of a major since the 2009 PGA Championship

Among the gossip, there was naturally the question: Can Woods win another major?

In Scotland, his performance at Carnoustie indicated that he was back in a form of conflict major.

For others, it was an indication Woods' return, although the dubious form meant that he was not vying to win tournaments, he is always remained a huge draw with the golf fans who followed him everywhere on the course.

But to follow Woods d Imanche had its dangers for a spectator when a wandering iron golfer struck a spectator on the side of the fairway.

Colin Hauck, a huge fan of Woods, took out his phone and recorded the moment he was hit by the capricious approach shot

Fortunately for the major champion 14 times, the ricochet has diverted the balloon from the thick bushes and gave him a beautiful lie on the fairway.

To thank the intervention, Woods offered Hauck a signed glove which, for a fan, was probably worth it to be hit in the head by a golf ball.

it's the dream ending of Francesco Molinari who ended Woods

Although Woods was used to winning on the biggest golf stage for over two decades, Molinari's win reminded how much the Italian came.

  Tiger Woods and amateur Edoardo Molinari at the fourth tee during the second round of The Masters, 2006.

In 2006, 12 years before making history as the first grand winner of Italy, Molinari caddying for his elder brother Edoardo, then an amateur, who was paired with Woods at Masters 2006.

On Sunday, 12 years later, Molinari was paired with Woods on the last day of a major and held aloof for win the biggest title of his career.

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