Venom Announces the Release of a Blu-ray Disc in the Strange Rom-Com Trailer – / Movie


release of Blu-ray of venom

Finally, realizing that dark and serious is not the solution, the marketing team behind Venom are bent over madness. A new trailer cut to look like a rom-com announces the Venom Blu-ray release date, and makes you scratch your head in the process. Watch Venom woo Tom Hardy and learn the Venom Blu-ray and digital release date below.

Venom Blu-ray Release Trailer

Well, it's … different. Before Venom Ruben Fleischer, the director and the company, sold the film as a dark, hard and violent film against the superhero. But the symbiote is out of the bag, now – everyone knows Venom is rather stupid – but not silly enough to prevent the film from becoming a huge success. In reality, Venom has earned $ 822.5 million worldwide, making the film more successful than both Wonder Woman and dead Pool.

Rather than fleeing this nonsense, Sony is leaning to give Venom a dead Pool– a trailer that turns the movie into a rom-com between Tom Hardy and a giant slime monster. They even throw in the scene where Hardy and Venom stand out. The trailer also features Michelle Williams doing this face:

Michelle Williams venom

Honestly, I'd rather see the mostly fictional movie advertised here than the real Venom. May be Venom 2 will go to full-fledged comedy and embrace the love between a stranger who eats his head and a man with a silly voice. We can only hope. That said, while it's clearly a joke, the trailer is still everywhere. The sequence begins with the cartoony snowfall to play the holiday season, and then completely abandons this idea for rom-com instead. Make up your mind, Venom.

Of course, the real The reason this trailer exists is to announce the imminent release of the home video, which will be very soon. Venom will be digital first on December 11, 2018, before arriving on Blu-ray December 12, 2018. Here is an overview of the special features.

  • Venom mode: When selecting this mode, the movie will use informative pop-up windows throughout the movie to provide insight into the relationship between the movie and the comics and to reveal hidden references that even a veteran Venom fan might have missed !
  • Deleted and expanded scenes: These deleted and expanded scenes will give fans even more of the Venom action they liked in theaters!
    • Travel to the hospital – Eddie and Venom take a walk to the hospital.
    • Car alarm – Let's just say that Venom is do not fond of car alarms.
    • San Quentin – Post-credit scene extended to San Quentin.
  • From Symbiote to Screen: A mini documentary about Venom's story in comics and his big-screen trip. Interviews with Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, Ruben Fleischer, Oliver Scholl, and director and comic book fan Kevin Smith.
  • The mortal protector in action: Go behind the scenes with the production team and discover the secrets of the impressive waterfall on motorbikes, cascades and drones.
  • Venom Vision: An overview of how Ruben Fleischer came to the project, brought his team together and made Venom a reality. Uses interviews with the cast, crew and producers, as well as Fleischer himself.
  • Venom design: Designing and creating Venom was a huge challenge for VFX artists. follow the incredible journey.
  • Symbiote Secrets: Blink your eyes and you may have missed it! Enjoy hidden references throughout the movie.
  • 8 Select Pre-Vis Sequence Scenes: Observe the progression of visual effects, storyboards and combat chorography in relation to the final film.
  • "Venom" by Eminem – Stock video
  • "Sunflower" by Post Malone, Swae Lee (De Spider-Man: in the Spider-Verse)
  • Spider-Man: in the Spider-Verse Overview: Meanwhile in another universe …

Journalist Eddie Brock tries to defeat Carlton Drake, the notorious and brilliant founder of the Life Foundation. While investigating one of Drake's experiments, Eddie's body merges with the Venom stranger, leaving him with superhuman strength and strength. Twisted, dark and fueled by rage, Venom is trying to control the new and dangerous abilities that Eddie finds so intoxicating. With Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Ahmed Scott Haze Rice, Reid Scott and Woody Harrelson in a wig.

Blu-ray Cover Venom

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