Wendy's takes a surprising stance on the debate on Fortnite's burgers and pizzas


Wendy's, the international food chain specializing in hamburgers, has taken a firm and active stance in the ongoing debate over pizza for hamburgers.

The question was asked earlier in November when Fortnite tweeted a poll-question asking their fans if they preferred 'Beef Boss' or 'Tomatohead', two skins representing mascots of fictional chains Durrr Burger and Pizza Pit.

The situation worsened when food trucks at each restaurant were seen competing for the territory on the large map of Fortnite.

In a series of surprising events, Wendy's sided with Team Pizza, claiming they spotted freezers at Durrr Burger that defy Wendy's fresh, never-frozen meat philosophy. hamburger.

At the time of writing, Wendy's was taking a persistent stance on Twitch to reinforce its anti-freeze program.

With a "verified" check mark, the Wendy's Twitch account has repeatedly landed at the location of Durrr Burger with a squad dressed all over Fable's skin, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood (which also recalls the logo). emblematic of Wendy). and proceeded to destroy the restaurant several times.

Even though the social media team of the hamburger chain has launched a fun activity, it has so far been incredibly successful. Several people in Twitch's cat suggested that this waterfall would encourage them to eat tonight.

Since the beginning of the feed, the new Twitch account has more than 4,000 subscribers, an impressive 3,000 simultaneous viewers, and they even managed to win a game!

At the time of writing this article, no one seems to be serving poor Durrr Burger as his restaurant is more and more destroyed and exploited on social media.

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