Physical and mental health of the elderly linked to optimism, wisdom and loneliness



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Ten thousand baby boomers are 65 every day. In 2029, the entire generation born between 1946 and 1964 will be at least as old. What happens next is millions of Americans.

Older age is usually associated with a deterioration of cognitive, physical and mental health. In a new study of seniors living independently in a long-term care facility for seniors, researchers at the University of California San Diego's School of Medicine have analyzed how distinctive factors, such as wisdom, loneliness, income and quality of sleep, have a positive and negative impact on the physical and mental functioning of the elderly.

Written in the May 8, 2019 issue of American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, a research team led by Dilip Jeste, MD, principal investigator of the study, emeritus professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the UC San Diego School of Medicine and director of UC San Diego's Center for Healthy Aging, found that physical health was correlated with function and mental health.

More specifically, cognitive function was significantly associated with physical mobility, wisdom, and life satisfaction. Physical health was associated with mental well-being, resilience and young age. Mental health was linked to optimism, compassion for oneself, income and low levels of loneliness and sleep disturbances.

"The nursing home communities for seniors are important sites for the study and promotion of health in the elderly," said Jeste. "Most people focus on diseases and risk factors, such as old age, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity, they are important, of course, but we also need to focus on the areas which make up the whole person.

"Psychological characteristics such as optimism, resilience, wisdom and compassion were deemed protective, while loneliness seemed to be a risk factor.An 85-year-old man can work better than a man." age 65 because of its protection and risk factors. "

In modern society, said Danielle Glorioso, co-author, LCSW, executive director of the San Diego Center for Healthy Aging, UC, seniors do not necessarily get support from younger family members who can play the role of caregivers.

"The youngest members of the family have jobs and the children are cared for," said Glorioso, "so seniors often have to choose between staying at home and feeling lonely, instead of switching to a system. housing for older people more solidarity and more social. complex decision impacted by a large number of factors, including the financial cost of housing seniors. "

A popular model of supportive housing for the elderly provides a continuum of care, from independent living to assisted living to full-time care for significant physical and cognitive impairments. For the majority of long-term care facilities for seniors, costs increase with the transition of residents to higher living standards. "Delaying these transitions by facilitating longer independent living should be an important goal of health care," said Jeste. "Our results have highlighted areas where seniors need to focus to live full and enriched lives."

One hundred and twelve residents participated in the study, the average age being 84 years old. Sixty-eight percent were women; 69% had a university education; 41% were married; and 72% reported a total annual income greater than $ 50,000.

Jeste added that more longitudinal studies involving various samples of older adults are needed to determine whether psychosocial and other variables are potential risks or protective factors related to health and cognitive, physical illnesses. and mental.

"The ultimate goal would be to develop new health-based interventions based on such research. Community senior centers should include activities that deal with physical, social and mental aspects. We can all do something to improve and strengthen the quality of life of our children. Aging of the population."

Ways of wisdom in schizophrenia

More information:
Dilip V. Jeste et al, TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Study on the independent living of residents of a community of long-term care seniors: socio-demographic and clinical associations of cognitive, physical and mental health, The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (2019). DOI: 10.1016 / j.jagp.2019.04.002

Provided by
University of California – San Diego

Physical and mental health of seniors linked to optimism, wisdom and loneliness (May 8, 2019)
recovered on May 8, 2019

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