Pine Valley Restaurant Owner Doesn’t Back Down After Receiving Cessation and Disclaimer Letter


PINE VALLEY, Calif. (KGTV) – After Larry McNamer received a cease and desist letter from San Diego County officials, during the first week of the purple level restrictions being put in place, he said that he wouldn’t back down.

“That’s what the courts are for. I’m going to fight it, I’m going to fight it,” said the owner of the Major’s Diner in Pine Valley.

In the letter, county officials noted he could face a fine of $ 1,000 for each violation of state guidelines, which includes banning guests inside.

“It could be $ 50,000. I don’t care because I can’t afford to pay it, so I couldn’t pay it if I had to,” McNamer told ABC 10News.

McNamer said it all comes down to the survival of this business and what he thinks is right in an uphill battle with the county and state.

“They’re going to have to be a lot fairer to distribute this and understand that we have no case here. [in Pine Valley],” he said.

Even as he continues to serve hot plates indoors, McNamer said nothing was changing when it came to the security measures given by the state. He said guests are seated inside and have the option to dine outside if they wish.

ABC 10News met a couple from Alpine who grabbed a bite to eat on Friday morning, not because Major’s was the only restaurant open, but they wanted to support him after seeing him on ABC 10News news.

“We saw that they were in trouble and needed help, so we came to support them,” said fan, Mark.

ABC 10News asked Mark and his wife if they think customers supporting restaurants that defy public health orders are contributing to the problem of soaring rates of COVID-19 cases, as restrictions continue to grow .

“Show me the data that these are community spread sources because the data that I see doesn’t show it,” Mark said.

McNamer said he received postcards and letters from people across the county supporting his choice to stay open for survival.

“It empowers you, it lets you know you’re doing the right thing,” he says.


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