Pinellas tweaks vaccine appointment process for the elderly


It has been a frustrating process for many older people who have tried to book their COVID-19 vaccine appointments.

Now Pinellas County is making some changes to hopefully improve the process.

Instead of you having to call and try to get your appointment, the Pinellas Department of Health will now contact older people when it is their turn to get the vaccine.

Residents must however be registered.

Pinellas County started using the new software last month in an attempt to alleviate issues people faced on the old system, which kept crashing.

However, the new software has still not been without problems.

Now, residents 65 years of age or older who have pre-registered will receive a text message or email when vaccine appointments become available.

Once they receive this message, they have 48 hours to make appointments for the two doses of the vaccine.

The county will only contact the number of people available, in the order in which they registered. Only one SMS or e-mail will be sent.


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