Plants and animals affected while Alaska records the hottest month


US government scientists say July 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded in the world.

The average temperature in July was one degree Celsius higher than the 20th century averaging 15.78 degrees. July is the hottest month on Earth for 140 years, according to from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.

July 2019 was also the hottest month ever recorded in the northwestern state of Alaska. The sea ice has melted. Fish from the Bering Sea have been swimming at above normal temperatures. It was the same for the children of the city of Nome, Alaska.

The state's fire season started early and stayed late. Walruses and other marine creatures have appeared in great numbers along the coast.

The average temperature of Alaska in July was 14.5 degrees Celsius. That's 3 degrees above average, NOAA reported.

Unusual weather such as this could become more common with global warming, notes researcher climatologist Brian Brettschneider. He works for the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

Brettschneider says that the state has had "several decades-long increases in temperature. "It's getting easier to have these unusual conditions that now lead to recordings," he added.

The effects were felt from the Arctic Ocean to the largest temperate rainforest in the world in Alaska. Handle.

Effects of the ice pack

Sea ice off the north and northwest coasts of Alaska and other arctic regions has returned to its lowest level ever recorded in July. This information comes from the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado.

The Arctic sea ice for July reached a record high of 7.6 million square kilometers. This represents a loss of 80,000 square kilometers – or about the size of South Carolina – below the old record set in July 2012.

The pack ice is home to polar bears and a resting place for walrus and their young. Several thousand walruses arrived along the coast on July 30th. It is apparently the first time that they have been observed in such numbers before August.

The forest fire season in Alaska began in April. The dry, hot July temperatures prolonged it. An expected rainy season, marked by southwesterly winds and rising precipitation, did not manifest in time, said Tim Mowry of the state's forestry division.

"It extended the fire season until July," said Mowry.

Restrictions on water and outdoor combustion sprinkler use remain in place for the city of Haines, near the Tongass National Forest. July extended drought conditions in the rainforest, according to the International Center for Arctic Research.

But the warmer weather has helped farmers in Alaska. Barley and other crops are ready to harvest, says Stephen Brown of the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service, Fairbanks.

The good and the bad

The growing season has been extended for a month, and if extra days become habitual, they will expand what can be grown in the state. Brown used the heat of his driveway to grow fruits that are generally not grown in the state.

"I had an exceptional harvest of tomatoes and jalapenos this summer," he said.

In contrast, weather conditions did not help Alaska birches and made them targets for leaf-eating insects.

Brettschneider, researcher in climatology, sees especially negative effects of July heat and global warming. Alaska looks like it does because of its temperatures, he said, and in 50 years, Alaska could look like Idaho.

"We should expect changes. We should expect forests to be in locations. We should expect wildlife to move. We should expect plants to move. And in many cases, if they can not move fast enough, we should expect them to leave, "he said.

I am John Russell.

And I am Jill Robbins.

The Associated Press has reported this story. George Grow has adapted it for VOA Learning English. Mario Ritter Jr. was the publisher.


Words in this story

according to – adv. as indicated by or in

manyadj. having multiple or multiple parties or members

decade – not. a period of 10 years

handlenot. a narrow piece of land that extends from the mainland from one state to another

sprinkler – not. a device or equipment used to water grass or other plants

negativeadj. show a complete lack of something; involving a bad or unwelcome quality

location – not. a place or an exact position

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