Plumas County COVID cases continue to rise


Plumas County has a continuing wave of cases – that’s the message from Director of Public Health Dana Loomis. The incident rate is now 26 per 100,000, down from around 3.

The good news is that immunization status has improved slightly at 57 percent of eligible county residents having at least one dose; 55 percent are fully immunized. There has been a slight increase in demand as case rates have increased.

Loomis said booster shots have been cleared for people with weakened immune systems and residents can contact their local health care provider. A booster injection is also being considered for the general population but has not yet received official approval.

During his presentation to the supervisory board on August 17, Loomis said the pandemic had a lot in common with wildfires. “The fire doesn’t care about us, neither does the virus,” he said, adding that spraying water on the fire is like putting on a mask – it helps – but “it’s better. remove the fuel. This is done by getting vaccinated, he said.


During the last reporting period, on August 20, Plumas reported 36 new cases. Based on information provided by Feather River College and Plumas Unified School District on cases associated with their campuses, the public has somewhat more detailed information, other than numbers, which is helpful.

A reader called to speak to Plumas News about a senior evacuee who was diagnosed with COVID while at the Quincy evacuation center. She is currently hospitalized but is doing well. In addition, another case was associated with the day camp for evacuees held on the Pioneer campus of Quincy Elementary School.

Asked about the number of hospitalizations associated with the current outbreak, Loomis said it was difficult to know as some are being treated outside the county. When asked if incidents in children were on the increase, Loomis said there were more cases, but they remained proportionately the same rate of cases throughout the pandemic. The largest percentage of cases continues to be in the 18-24 age group.

The results for the next reporting period will be released tomorrow evening, August 23, and will include all weekend and Monday cases.



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