Police helicopters rushed to report an aircraft accident


A Ground and aerial research was launched in Devon after fear of a meteor suspected of being a plane crashing in the air.

Many callers have alerted the police about the flying object during the early hours of Sunday. We later saw it break and fall to the ground.

Police launched an air and ground search to search for a plane crashed after 999 calls regarding a possible light aircraft crash over Devon.

But it was stopped after we think that what was seen is actually a meteoroid falling apart in the sky.

Units were sent to the Tavistock area after a caller said he saw what looked like an airplane crash.

However, it is thought that what they and many others saw was actually a meteoroid.

The Devon and Cornwall police incident site operations manager said expert-trained investigators had called for a search stop at 3:15 pm on Sunday.

Detective John Shuttleworth said: "We are as satisfied as we can with the fact that there was no light aircraft crash and no one was injured.

"The expertise of the trained search officers is that if there had been an aircraft accident, the assets in flight would have seen debris.


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