Poll: Biden holds a 12-point lead over Sanders and Warren, third


Former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenThe Hill & # 39; s 12:30 Report: The NY Times Story Raises A New Storm On Kavanaugh's Advisor Top Sanders: "He Is A Little Angry" Working Families Party Supports Warren After Supporting Sanders in 2016 MORE holds a 12 point lead over Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersCommercial Chamber Challenges Democratic Proposals for Financial Transaction Taxes Sanders Advisor: "He's a little angry" Workers' Families Party supports Warren after supporting Sanders in 2016 MORE (I-Vt.), Its closest competitor, to the Democratic presidential primary, according to a new poll released Monday.

Biden garnered 32 percent of the vote among Democratic voters polled, which explains the decline in the number of Democrats, according to a Morning Consult survey.

Sanders finished second in the poll with 20%.

Warren is a close third with 18%. The poll is in line with most of the others published over the last few weeks showing these three as clear pioneers in the attempt to take President TrumpDonald John TrumpTed Cruz hits the New York Times for a "staggering" correction of the Kavanaugh report. A member of the US military service was killed in Afghanistan. The Pro-Trump website has changed the portrait of the British reality star to show it wearing the Trump PLUS hat.

The top three candidates are the only Democrats in the field who voted double-digit.

According to the survey, they are also the only candidates to have a two-digit difference among support in the early primary states.

Biden's lead over Sanders widened to 13 points, with Biden at 34 percent and Sanders at 21 percent among voters in the first states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada.

Sanders' lead over Warren climbs to 8 points, with Warren in 13% of the cases, according to the Morning Consult survey.

The Morning Consult survey polled 7,487 registered voters who said they could vote in their state's Democratic primary or caucus. The interviews were collected on September 13 and 15. There is an error margin of 1 percentage point.

The survey of first voters was conducted among 341 voters in the four states, with a margin of error of 5 percentage points.


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