First human case of West Nile virus infection confirmed | windsoriteDOTca News


A resident of Windsor-Essex County tested positive for West Nile Virus according to the health unit.

This is the first human case diagnosed clinically and laboratory-confirmed in 2019 in our region and the fourth in Ontario.

The health units say that most people with West Nile virus never develop symptoms and will not know that they are infected with the virus. Only about 20% of people develop symptoms of West Nile fever and less than 1% develop severe neuroinvasive disease. Mosquito species likely to spread West Nile virus have been identified throughout the region as part of the health unit surveillance program.

The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes that have fed on infected birds. This positive human case reminds residents to continue to protect themselves from exposure.

"Even though it's getting colder at night, it's still important that everyone removes stagnant water around their house / property and takes personal protective measures to avoid mosquito bites during the night." fall, "said Dr. Ahmed, medical officer of health. , Windsor – Essex County Health Unit.


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