Pop Star Allegedly Under Constant Surveillance


A former member of Britney Spears’ security team alleges in a new documentary that the pop star was under constant surveillance during her tutorship, including monitoring all communication on her phone and placing an audio recorder in her bedroom.

Alex Vlasov, a former assistant and operations cybersecurity manager who worked at Black Box Security Inc., gave an explosive interview to Controlling Britney Spears, a follow-up documentary for Coaching Britney Spears on FX and Hulu is the The New York Times presents series. In the documentary, which aired Friday night on FX and Hulu, Vlasov said he worked closely with Edan Yemin, chairman of Spears’ longtime security firm from 2012 to 2021 and had access to e -mails, SMS, phone calls and meetings that have confirmed surveillance.

“Edan [Yemini] was so relieved when he saw the first documentary that it wasn’t mentioned, Black Box wasn’t mentioned, Tri Star wasn’t mentioned, ”Vlasov said. “It was his biggest fear that security would somehow attract attention.”

Vlasov said when he asked Yemini why security was with Spears 24 hours a day, he said it was part of the guardianship and their client was Spears’ dad, Jamie, not the pop star herself. . The documentary also mentioned how former Spears commercial director Lou Taylor, founder and CEO of Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group, as well as Robin Greenhill, employee of Tri Star, were deeply involved in “every step that Britney takes.”

“There was a group chat with Edan, Robin and Jamie, and security where they would basically post the whole move,” Vlasov said. “Even in the sacred place, his house, every request was monitored and recorded. Her intimate relationships were tightly managed. Britney couldn’t have someone in the privacy of her home without these three knowing.

According to Vlasov, when Spears requested an iPhone, his security team set up a separate iPad using Spears’ iCloud connection to mirror all activity on his phone and monitor all of his messages, FaceTime calls, notes, etc. browser history and photographs. .

Vlasov said he asked Yemini if ​​the security team was legally authorized to monitor activity on Spears’ phone, and he replied: “Yes, the court knows, Britney’s lawyer knows. It’s for his safety, it’s for his protection.

Vlasov also said that Yemini asked him to encrypt Spears ‘messages and give them to him so he could forward them to Spears’ father and Greenhill.

“Their reason for the minor was to look for bad influences, to look for potential illegal activities that might occur, but they were also monitoring conversations with her friends, with her mother, with her lawyer Sam Ingham. If there is anyone who should be banned, it should be Britney’s lawyer, ”Vlasov said. “Her own phone and her own private conversations were so often used to control her. I know for a fact that Jamie would confront Britney and say, “Hey, why didn’t you text that person? Just because you have control doesn’t mean you have the right to treat people like property. I didn’t feel like she was being treated like a human being.

Vlasov added that the security team was in charge of Spears’ medication; they would allegedly receive prepackaged drugs, hand them to Spears, and she would have to take them in front of them.

“When I took a step back and looked at everything, it really reminded me of someone who was in prison and security was put in a position to be the prison guards, basically,” a- he declared.

Vlasov also alleges that Yemini put an audio recording device in Spears’ bedroom, despite the fact that it is illegal in California to record people’s private conversations without their knowledge or consent. According to the documentary, “the recordings captured over 180 hours of audio, including Britney’s interactions and conversations with her boyfriend and children.”

Vlasov said Yemini and another agent handed him the audio recording device and asked him to remove it.

“I asked what was on it, they looked very nervous and said it was extremely sensitive, that no one can ever find out and that’s why I have to delete everything, so there is no no trace of it, ”he said. “It raised so many red flags with me and I didn’t want to be an accomplice in anything they were involved in, so I kept a copy because I didn’t want to remove the evidence, and I don’t think it was. coincidentally, was made a few days before she met a court investigator.


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