21 protected species of birds seized in Albergaria-a-Velha – Portugal


The GNR seized 21 protected species of birds in a residence in Angeja, in the municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha, in an illegal situation, said Wednesday the security force.

According to a statement from the GNR, the animals were seized during a monitoring action conducted by the GNR's Environmental Protection Agency of the GNR on Monday.

The military verified that the homeowner, a 56-year-old man, "was not the holder of the European Man Union's certificates for the arrest of the 21 specimens and therefore were seized." [19659002] The man, who was identified as illegal possession of protected species, had seven goldfinches, five gray parrots, four wolves, two red macaws, a rosada cataclysm and two parrots

"The seized species are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Extinction and the Convention on Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Europe, requiring authorization for their detention.

Ten inspections were carried out on canids in the house, and three counts of counter-order were issued for lack of rabies vaccine, lack of identification (19659006) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {{{{{{{{ } }}}
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