3,2,1 … Start counting to free yourself from the athlete's foot – C Studio


Did you know that the athlete's foot touches seven out of ten people? And what is far from being a problem exclusively for those who play sports or who pay less attention to foot hygiene? This type of infection is a cause of discomfort and shame, but it is in the top 10 most common in the world. If you know how to act, you can get rid of it quickly.

First Signs of the Athlete's Foot

Caused by fungi, the athlete's foot can affect anyone. Men, as a rule, are the most injured. Being extremely contagious is easy to contract by direct contact with affected skin, objects or contaminated surfaces. It develops mainly in hot and humid environments, such as showers and showers, shoes or socks.

The first signs of this infection in the skin of the feet usually appear between the toes. But it can affect other areas, such as heels, soles and lateral areas of the foot. In some cases, it can give rise to fungal infections in other parts of the body

This can accompany the development of bacteria with adverse effects, such as a bad odor.

Care to Take

If you suspect that you have an athlete's foot, you should start taking precautions immediately: use different towels for the feet and keep them always dry and also ventilated as possible. These are fundamental actions that prevent the spread of the problem.

But they are not enough … An infection does not cure itself. The earlier the treatment starts, the sooner it gets rid of the infection and the greater the chance of rapid results.

The athlete's foot treatment should be applied directly to the affected area, which is a quick and easy way to fight the agents. of the athlete's foot.

Efficient Formula

In one application per day, Canespor simplifies treatment and relieves symptoms. It combines the antifungal action with the anti-inflammatory properties of bifonazole in a long-lasting solution, remaining on the skin up to 48 hours in the case of the spray (Canespor Solution), and up to 48 hours. 72 hours in the case of cream (Canespor cream)

Treatment with Canespor should preferably be done at night and the application should be prolonged for a period of three weeks to treat completely the infection and restore the health of your feet.

Ready to enjoy the summer

With the summer coming, do not be intimidated by the athlete 's foot and already start the treatment, to give back the # And look healthy with itchy and unpleasant smells.

Sandals and slippers are ready to leave the closet and accompany you in another relaxed summer, in which the maxim can be: friends and family always around;

Should I stop playing sports while I have the athlete's foot?

Hygienic care needs to be improved by: washing and drying the feet well after exercise, letting the tennis shoes dry completely before storing and washing the socks with water hot. You should prefer cotton socks and do not walk barefoot in public areas, especially if they are wet. The only sport that requires special attention to prevent the spread of infection is swimming.

If you have any questions regarding the diagnosis, or continue with the symptoms after treatment of the athlete's foot, you should consult a doctor. Pregnant women and the elderly should consult a health professional.

Canespor Cream, Canespor Skin Spray Solution: Contains bifonazole. Topical treatment of fungal infections: mycosis of the hands and feet (Athlete's foot), Pityriasis versicolor and nail bed skin treatment after removal of the nail, as part of Treatment of onychomycosis (cream). Contraindication in case of hypersensitivity to bifonazole or any excipient. Warnings: Patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to other imidazole antifungals; patients on warfarin therapy; the cream contains cetostearyl alcohol (it can cause local skin reactions, for example contact dermatitis, in the case of history of hypersensitivity, it is advisable to use the solution for cutaneous spraying). Over-the-counter medications. Read the instructions carefully. If in doubt or if symptoms persist, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Bayer Portugal Lda. | L.PT.MKT.07.2018.2178

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