& # 39; Braga para Todos & # 39; wants to vaccinate kennel animals to prevent outbreaks of


The civic movement & # 39; Braga para Todos & # 39; asserted the existence of an outbreak of esgana in the municipal kennel of Braga, coming from the entrance of a canine carrying the virus. The move has challenged the mayor of Braga, Ricardo Rio, to "go beyond what the law requires" and "introduce the obligation" of all dogs entering the CROA are vaccinated against infectious diseases , which protect animals

& # 39; Braga para Todos & # 39; adds that vaccination and reinforcement, already in the hands of adopters, can prevent these outbreaks that, as a rule, kill a large number of animals, becoming an "unpleasant and sad situation". "We believe that at this time this situation is revolting for animal activists, as well as for associations and for the municipal veterinarian, since we have already seen that he enjoys animals and avoids euthanasia." But this disease causes great suffering in the animal and there is no option in some cases, except to give them a death as dignified as possible, "said the movement in a communicated.

& # 39; Braga para Todos & # 39; Ricardo Rio calls on "making the difference" and "going further" in public animal welfare policies by vaccinating animals against infectious diseases, starting at the age of six weeks with two reinforcements later. "Until the vaccination schedule is completed, there are risks, but they are lower.This investment is symbolic and can even be attached to the value of 19 euros, chip and rabies vaccine, billed by the CROA and required by law, because it is an asset to the adopters and, most importantly, it blocks those events that lead to the "The Braga municipal kennel is closed and all animals have already done the". subject to analysis, according to a statement from AGERE.This should now be in a process of disinfestation that may last several days, but we believe that it will be done as best as possible, but we must demand a vaccination against infectious diseases to avoid repetition Canine deformity is highly contagious.It affects the lungs, intestine and nervous system, easily transmitting from dog to dog by contact with urine, blood or saliva . The diagnosis is done by urine or blood tests, and the disease does not heal and treatments focus on secondary infections and symptom control, "concludes the movement.

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