The Ministry of Education said Friday that 93% of students are already assessed according to school reports until the end of yesterday (July 19). Lisbon and Vale do Tejo and Alentejo are the regions that register a higher percentage of students already assessed. On the same day, the Teachers' Union (STOP) announced that the student assessment strike had taken place in about 200 schools across the country, mainly in the north and in the inner center.
According to a statement from the department, "The teams of the General Inspectorate of Education and Science are on the ground with instructions for, in legal and regulatory terms, assisting directors of the school. school and organs in resolving outstanding cases through the application of instructions previously sent to schools. " [19659002Lesaffairesensuspensseréfèrentauxélèvesquinesaventtoujourspass'ilstraversentl'annéeetceuxquiattendentdeschangementsd'écoleouquis'inscriventàdenouveauxcyclesDanscescaslesinscriptionsétaientdéjàfaites"surunebaseconditionnelle"enraisonduretarddanslalibérationdesnotesdesétudiantsàlasuitedelagrèvedesenseignantslorsdesévaluations[19659002] In the case of d & # 39 transfers; students, "s & # 39; there is" The Ministry & # 39 Education says that "administrative measures will be taken to ensure that the situation is corrected and that no student suffers any harm."
Hundred thousand students without notes, says STOP
STOP , however, states that the strike "
" We have a list of 200 schools where the strike continues in whole or in part, "André Pestana told Lusa, the leader of the STOP, the only union to organize the strike. teachers, while the other ten union structures ended the Event on July 13.
According to André Pestana, the country is the area where membership has the most impact but also in the inner center, teachers continue to mobilize in the fight for claims as the total count of years of service frozen for career advancement. like Seia, Covilhã and Guarda, "there are several schools where the strike is very strong," assured the leader of the newly created union.
In the south of the country membership is less visible, but André Pestana ensures that "there is resistance".
The assessment strike began in early June with a call to STOP, which was later joined by the other ten representative teacher union structures, school principals admit that to At the end of the month there are still students without a degree, a situation that worries the schools, because in the meantime the teachers go on vacation.
The principals are asking the Ministry of Education to clarify the schools on what they should do, namely if they can call teachers to assign notes during their holidays, for example the president of the National Association of Directors of Public Groups and Schools, [1] [2][3][4] and [5]
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