The ex-coordinator says that cybersecurity is a "group of friends" for the military "to make a career"


Pedro Veiga, the "father" of the internet in Portugal and former coordinator of the National Cybersecurity Center (CNCS), did not worry about the political correctness during the parliamentary hearing Wednesday. The professor resigned last May (although he asked the government to leave in January, as he explained), and the CDS asked if, as he had said in an interview with DN, lack of funds was one of the reasons. 19659002] The professor reiterated that budget issues had not been the "main reason" for his resignation, but insisted that "the center has few resources" and that "the budget is very restrictive to the operation of the CNCS ". The PS, through MP Filipe Neto Brandão, interpreted this response as an "abundant denial" that the lack of money was on the list of reasons for the dismissal.

One of the main concerns reported by the former coordinator is the fact that this center – whose main mission is to protect critical infrastructure against cyberattacks – has no permanent staff, which which, according to him, "makes recruitment very difficult".

It is especially in this issue that Pedro Veiga avoided words of discontent with what he calls the "militarization" of cybersecurity, first because it depends on the National Security Office (GNS) headed by a military, Gameiro Marques. "Do not have a seat, being on appointment is a very serious mistake," he said at the hearing. The positions of the CNCS are made with a specific duration, which can vary between one and three years. "Voice of an old donkey"

Pedro Veiga recalled that in the initial phase of the creation of the CNCS, the commission was chosen "among the group of 39, friends in the restricted circle of the director of the GNS of the time (the naval officer, Vice Admiral Torres Sobral, currently President of the State Secret Inspection) .

Lino Santos, the new coordinator of the CNCS, is one of the elements of this commission setup. Lino Santos coordinated the "Computer and Advanced Security Space of the FCCN Unit of the Foundation for Science and Technology" and led the CNCS operations during the time of Torres Sobral (who at the time of Time combined the direction of the GNS with that of the Center

The former coordinator confessed to having been "shocked" when he arrived at the CNCS and found that there were also criteria " at the time of hiring. "An employee was the daughter of a secretary general of a ministry, another was the wife of another secretary general. another department, and she was accustomed to any form of recruitment other than merit, which shocked me. "[19659002FaceNDwiththesubmissionsTorresSobralandasynthetic:"Thevoicesofuveuxculetetrickstern'reachpasleciel!"

PCP and BE concerned about "militarization"

One of the Alerts Pedro Veiga had already given the interview to the DN is an "excessive militarization" in the CNCS, linked not only to the fact that "almost all" the GNS employees come from branches of the armed forces, but also by "overlapping the cybersecurity with cyber defense ". Another reason for his resignation was also that it was "not intended" for Gameiro Marques to "empower" the GNS CNC, as had been intended at the time of its creation.

"He was able to impose it in the text of the proposal (which will be discussed in the field of the specialty), in addition to the simple transposition of the SRI Directive (security of networks and information systems of the European Union), it should be noted that the CNCS operates within the GNS and, The Cyberspace Security Council, a terminology used by NATO, is created. "

The PS retorted , arguing that the GNS security director was not required to be a military, but that the left-wing alarms were ringing. José Manuel Pureza, BE, recalled that this argument had already been used by the Minister of the Presidency, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, who is the administrator of the GNS, but that this answer "does not satisfy" his party. "The positions presented here by Professor Pedro Veiga deserve the utmost attention and there are signs of an adverse overlap."

The PCP also took this issue "very seriously". "This commission must address this problem of the excessive militarization of cybersecurity and, while it is true that nothing in the law requires a military to direct the GNS, it is a fact that it is a fact of life. it was so, "said António Filipe

Terrorism: Delayed Plan

One of the CDS's concerns was also to take a snapshot of the National Defense Plan. action against cyber threats, in particular to promote coordinated action by the authorities on the protection of critical infrastructure. This plan has been included in the National Counter-Terrorism Strategy (NCTS) since 2015 and falls under the Internal Security System (ISS). Pedro Veiga stated that his knowledge and participation was limited to a "meeting with four elements of this structure" in which he received a document without further development.

CDS deputy Vânia Dias da Silva was "very worried" with the answer. "Although we are not surprised, as we know that other ENCT projects have not yet been approved, we know that this one will also be late on what we have deduced from Professor Pedro Veiga. "

Complaint against the PGR

The one whom Pedro Veiga indicated with the" first ground "of his dismissal, was even the disagreement with the management by a private association from the "Internet of Portugal" domain, the .pt. The ex-coordinator says that this area, in which public infrastructure works are "the most attacked internationally" and that they should benefit from the special protection of the CNCS

This will have been "promised" by the government but not filled. Pedro Veiga presented examples of damage to the state due to the fact that .pt had been "savagely privatized" and revealed that he filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office on June 6, with suspicions of 39, illegalities in the association.

After the hearing, Pedro Veiga told reporters that although he did not say the name, he stated that the chairman, Luísa Geifão, proposed, as a member of the general meeting, a salary for the board of directors, to which he would belong, cumulating the two positions.

The former coordinator of the CNCS also opposes the fact that the funds resulting from the management of the domain .pt are used to buy "for 2.5 million euros", a head office in the center of Lisbon, in Picoas, where only 18 people work. For Pedro Veiga, these funds should be "used for public purposes".

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