What are the new superpowers of Erdogan?


Erdogan, 64, of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), was re-elected in the June 24 elections to ratify the result of the constitutional referendum of April 16. But not without the opposition that accuses him of fraud.

At the inauguration ceremony on Monday, which he described as the beginning of a new era, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attends the head of the Turkish state,

Despite incidents such as that of the Russian military plane shot down by the Turks in Syria in 2015 or the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey in 2016, Turkey and Russia are getting closer gradually .

Erdogan will however meet several European leaders and US President Donald Trump at the NATO summit in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday. Turkey, remember, has the second largest allied army after the Americans.

Between the inauguration and the trip to Brussels, the Turkish president plans to visit the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is only recognized by Ankara.

But what are the new superpowers of Turkish Super President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of

Executive Powers

In accordance with Article 18 of the Constitution of Turkey, the President strengthens his executive powers and can appoint people directly to public functions, such as ministers. Erdogan will also be able to appoint some of the country's vice presidents.

The post of prime minister, currently occupied by Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, will be abolished on Monday. that 317 of the 600 deputies are from the AKP, can jointly appoint four members of the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK). It is a key judicial council for the appointment and / or the exoneration of magistrates.

Military courts will be abolished. Adnan Menderes, Turkish Prime Minister from 1950 to 1960, was executed – by hanging – in 1961 by a decision of one of these military tribunals after the takeover of the military junta after the coup d'etat of 1960.

19659010] In order to lighten the weight of the State, the number of ministers will increase from 26 to 16, merging between the regions. The Ministry of the European Union will be absorbed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There will be nine committees, with great power, responding to the presidency, for areas such as technology, education, foreign policy, culture, health, social policies, local affairs and rights.

"As the first president of the United States, United States and United States of America, the new executive presidency system, I will announce on Monday the new government (…) We will go much further in our country by solving the structural problems of our economy, "promised Erdogan on Saturday. AKP members. She gave examples of such problems as high interest rates, inflation and the trade deficit.

We will take much more our country to solve the structural problems of our economy

State of Emergency

Turkey is in a state of emergency since the failed coup of 2016 against Erdogan. The measure has already been renewed seven times, expiring the current on the 19th of this month. Before the July 24 elections, the head of state promised to lift the state of emergency. It remains to be seen what he will do now

. If the state of emergency can be imposed up to now for periods of three months, this period will be extended to six months. If a request has been made by the President, Parliament may approve extensions of the measure for a period of four months at a time.

The decision to apply the state of emergency rests with the Speaker, who introduces the measure to Parliament. According to the new Constitution, the measure will be imposed in case of "withdrawal against the Nation" or "acts of violence putting the Nation in danger or dividing it".

Powers of Parliament

From now on, Turkey will go to elections every five years and not four. The legislative will be the same day as the presidential election, as it happened on June 24th. In the legislative elections, the AKP was the most voted party with 42.5% of the vote. In the presidential election, Erdogan was the most voted, with 52.6%, followed by the main rival, the profane CHP, Muharrem Ince.

The new Turkish Parliament will have 600 deputies instead of 550 and the minimum age to be a deputy from 25 to 18.

The president of the country can not issue decrees on matters that are already regulated by the law. Parliament will also have the power to decide on changes to the laws. If the President is accused or suspected of a crime, the Parliament may request an investigation after receiving the support of the 3/5 Parliament.

Time in Power

The first time that Erdogan was elected President of Turkey was in August 2014. Prior to that, he had been Prime Minister (he joined the post in 2003). After his reelection on June 24, he will take up the position of chief of state for five years. But as the new rules allow him to repeat the term, Erdogan could stay in power in theory until 2023.

Before, the president could not be a member of a political party. But with these changes, Erdogan may remain the leader of the AKP, the Islamist party that he co-founded in 2001.

With so many superpowers, Erdogan is however far from it. to be considered a superhero. Many are those who consider him a dictator. This is the case of the leader of the CHP opposition party, Kemal Kilicdarouglu, who after the elections of June 24 refused to congratulate the president

"You can not congratulate anyone who is attaches to the executive, judicial and If you say you're going to run for a person-based diet, until the end, why am I going to congratulate a dictator, "said Kilicdaroglu, quoted by the media International.

If someone says that he will show up on a person-based diet, in the end, why congratulate a dictator? "

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