Jeff Gober saw his daughter born healthy and happy, until, by contagion from the parents' dirty hands, the baby fell ill.
The baby's parents suffered to see the little girl suffer, eventually dying with only two weeks of life [19659002] Jeff, heartbroken, warns other parents of the importance of washing their hands before to touch their babies and the danger they may represent if they do not do it.
The father, one month after the girl's death, wrote a message on Facebook saying Mallory contracted Herpes Simplex-1 – a highly contagious virus that causes sores and genital ulcers. It is a very common virus, but the vast majority of infected people have no symptoms and do not even know that they are carriers of the disease. In the case of infants, carrier status is very dangerous and lethal, especially in those with poor immune systems.
Jeff says that it was very difficult to keep Mallory's hands out of the mouth and eyes, as usual with babies, probably the virus, similar to a type of herpes , was also in the hands of the baby.
In the first week the baby had fever as the first symptom and then began to appear bubbles and blisters that antivirals could no longer resolve. 19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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