We can not escape the madness. The masks of Familie Flöz at the Festival of Almada


They are all the same until we wear the white coat. And at that moment, we know exactly who the doctor is with the dress. And they are not all alike anymore. Or else. They are not equal until the white jacket becomes a jacket of strength. And then, it's not possible to know who the doctor was and who the patients were. Can madness and normality be defined by a simple garment?

It's just one of the questions that plunges into our heads when we see the show Nest that the German company Familie Flöz presents this Monday at the Almada Theater Festival. A show, like almost everything of this "family", where the use of masks joined poetry and humor in an absolutely irresistible way.

The show began at the end of March in the pleasant Halle Ostkreuz, a small Berlin venue. The applause at the end left no room for doubt. The next day, Hajo Schüler, one of the founders of the company and responsible for creating the magnificent masks used by the actors, sits at a table of Happy Baristas and drinks a breakfast double by remembering the story of Familie Flöz started in 1994 when Hajo Schüler and Michael Volger met at the theater school of Essen. "We did the final presentation together, it only took 15 minutes but it went very well and we decided to continue working together," he said.

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