Bad behavior increases skin cancer


"We estimate that there are 12 thousand new cases of skin cancer this year in Portugal and a thousand melanomas," the most deadly type of cancer, said the Coimbra specialist in an action For more than half

According to Osvaldo Correia, melanomas account for between 5 and 10% of all skin cancers, but account for three-quarters of deaths recorded annually in the country

Alone. adoption of preventive measures, he adds, could prevent the significant increase in skin cancers in Portugal and Europe, due to neglectful behavior vis-à-vis the sun.

Outdoor workers, such as farmers and sportsmen, should take care of sunscreen beyond factor 30, hat with flaps, long-sleeved clothing and sunglasses with protection against 100% Ultra violet lightning A and B.

"We must strongly encourage the use of a hat adequately covering the ears, because on the ears, nose and lips, we have a lot of cancer of the skin that affects athletes and the air professions

According to Osvaldo Correia, "the important thing is the primary prevention and take care of how to live with the sun, not only on the beach, but also in the mountains , at work and in outdoor sports, whether it's the week or the weekend. "

" People do not think that because they are hot, they will warm up by dressing, because the desert natives are covered, the only ones who do not walk are the tourists "

In addition to death, skin cancers cause physical and psychological damage and deforming scars on the human body.

As part of corporate social responsibility, specialist Osvaldo Correia advises [19659002] This summer, the association is promoting a campaign to alert sun care on vacation and at work, which will travel the country this month, north to south, from the coast to Inland, along the sea and river beaches, as well as outside workplaces, namely civil construction and agriculture.

During this action, Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção and Fundação Manuel António da Mota, aware of the dangers of l & # 39; excessive exposure to the sun, promoted, in partnership with the Portuguese Skin Cancer Association (APCC), the campaign ""

The goal of this initiative is to protect employees from the risks of UV radiation , by adopting preventive measures in the course of the work, which include the provision of sunscreen permanently and the adaptation of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

"To this extent, the l & # 39; 39, company organized an awareness campaign to the work of the "Desertification of the Coimbra-Ponte de Coimbra" Albufeira, which was attended by Professor Osvaldo Correia and Professor Ricardo Vieira of the APCC, "l & # 39; 39; company reports in a note sent to the Lusa agency.

In this action, "Mota-Engil educated employees about sun exposure habits, both in the workplace and during their leisure time, encouraging the achievement of traces and giving to to know the main signs of oncological diseases of the skin, demonstrating its support in support to prevention, through the d

"The campaign" Add + Protection to my safety "will continue to promote awareness actions in the works of Mota-Engil, particularly where the incidence of UV rays is higher and where the risk of excess sun exposure is higher ", he summarizes.

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