Mondim de Basto launches a tourism strategy for the next decade


The mayor of Mondim de Basto, Humberto Cerqueira, said that the 2018/2028 tourism strategy "lays a path and sets a course" for the municipality.

The goal is to attract visitors, encourage the creation of businesses and create more jobs, to help secure people and to develop this territory which is included in the district of Vila Real

The mayor pointed out that the strategy was defined with the participation of the local community and involves public and private investments. Currently, among the approved, executed and submitted projects, investment in the tourism sector is about two million euros in the county. About 20 tourist units are distributed around 300 beds.

The motto of the project is "explore by nature" and reveals Mondim de Basto as a place where "nature offers an infinite range of unique experiences" from "adventure to contemplation".

From the top of the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Graça to the Alvão Natural Park, where are the waterfalls of the Friggas de Ermelo, passing by rivers, cascades, streams and coves, hidden corners and an "infinite forest spot" "

The action plan includes 22 projects, dispersed by four programs: the path of challenge, the path of discovery, the path of calm

Among the projects are the creation of a theme park in Senhora da Graça linked to the sport, such as the "epic climb" by bike or the paragliding descent, and the "explorer's badge", which defies

Mondim de Basto wants to bet on the "events of discovery" of the territory, in the rails that cross the county and also in the knowledge of the territory.

Unlike sport and adventure, there is "calm" to those who want to "disconnect from the world"

Unlike sport and the av there is a "calm" for those who want to "disconnect from the world".

To this end, a "slow life script" or "nap sopt" will be created to create points for a nap – the point of birdwatching for birdwatching or the "road of silence" ", with sections of footpaths" closed to noise. "

Paulo Mota, counselor of Mondim de Basto, said that the goal of the strategy is" more effective communication "and a" single language "

The "great obstacle" of this territory is also, he said, the "low notoriety".

Through a survey conducted, it was verified that only 50% of respondents knew that Senhora da Graça belongs to Mondim de Basto and only 29% that the Fisgas de Ermelo are also located in the municipality.

Melchior Moreira, president of Turismo do Porto and northern Portugal, praised the bet "in a vital sector for development of the region "and stressed that it is necessary to" pull the mei their part of this unique and natural heritage ". 19659002] "The challenge of discovering Mondim does not stop", he says

The bet on tourism must, in his opinion, be complemented by gastronomy and wines as well as religious heritage .

Lúcio Machado, president of the Mondim de Basto Business Association, considered the "interesting document" and said that we should consider it as "a tool" to "implement in the short and medium term "

" The document claims to be late, however, instead of rashly discussing what should have already been done, we should use this tool and go ahead.

The official said that tourism is "effectively the common denominator" of Mondim and that it includes "all actors, associations and political actors".

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