Use of cannabis in authorized drugs from the month of August



The diploma, which regulates the use of drugs from the factory, was published this Wednesday in Diário da República

The law had already been promulgated and promulgated, but the start date for the use of cannabis-based products for medical use was lacking.

The law comes into force on the first day of the month following publication in the Diário da República, which means that as early as the month of August will be possible to prescribe and buy in the pharmacy preparations, drugs and substances based on channels. However, products must still be authorized by Infarmed.

The prescription must be made "by means of a special medical prescription, according to the model to be approved by order of the government member responsible for the health zone, and adapted to the electronic form", the words "and the # 39; identification of the drug, preparation and substance on the basis of the cannabis plant to distribute, quantity and dosage, the way and the method of administration "

The diploma results from the combination of two projects of BE and PAN and was approved on June 15 with the vote in favor of all parties, with the exception of the CDS which abstained. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa promulgated the law on January 10

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