"Article 19", "Space of Time" and "C & # 39; is a House and Co-Peer" Distinguished at the Gulbenkian Awards – Observer


The British organization Article 19, defense of freedom of expression, the cultural association Space Time, the project It's A House and Coopérnico cooperative received the Gulbenkian 2018 awards the foundation said Thursday. 19659002] The international prize, worth 100,000 euros and subject to human rights, has been attributed to Article 19, a non-governmental organization which has been developing since 1987 "a fierce struggle against censorship and support a little dissenting voices ". "

Regarding the award, the jury, chaired by former President Jorge Sampaio, emphasized the" firm response "of Article 19 to" challenges and threats to freedom expression and freedom of expression. information that undermines human rights, democracy and the rule of law. "

As part of the Gulbenkian Awards, the Foundation also awards national prizes which distinguish m major projects in the fields of Knowledge, Cohesion and Sustainability, with a monetary value of 50 thousand euros each In the region of Knowledge the cultural association O Espaço do Tempo, founded by choreographer and programmer Rui Horta in Montemor-o-Novo, is recognized for its "indisputable impact" and "a link strong with the local community, namely "

The Prize Cohesion will be awarded to the project" Is One Home, Lisbon Housing First "of the association Crescer Na Maior, which provides housing to" people in situations of social exclusion and vulnerability ". The jury praises "the ability of this project to inspire public policies in Portugal, where it is estimated 3,500 homeless."

In the category of Sustainability the Gulbenkian Prize is awarded to Coopérnico, the only renewable energy cooperative in Portugal "." Its democratic and non-profit management in the fields of production , marketing and energy efficiency was applauded by the jury, "reads the press release.

The Gulbenkian awards will be delivered Friday at 18:30 Lisbon, by the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, coinciding with the day of the death of the Armenian businessman Calouste Gulbenkian (July 20, 1955)

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