Salary increases. Rectors urge parliament to clarify finance law – Observer


On Thursday, the presidents asked parliament for a "clarification of the law", stating that it is not clear to institutions that teachers' salary increases should be based on a system of points and not on a performance evaluation [19659002"Ilesttrèsfaciled'attaquerlesrecteursEncasdedouteclarifiezlaloi"adéclaréAnaCostaFreitasrecteurdel'Universitéd'Évoralorsd'uneauditionduConseildesrecteursdesuniversitésportugaises(CRUP)surlacommissionparlementairepourl'éducationetlascienceaprèsqueladéputéeduCDSAnaRitaBessaaitdéclaréquelaloisurlebudgetdel'Etatétaitclairequ'ilétaitdelaresponsabilitéduparlementd'assurerlerespectdelaloi[19659002] "We have the problem of Rectors telling us that will not respect the state budget (OE)," said the centrist MP. MEPs defended in parliament the same interpretation of the law that a few moments ago had been defended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, and contested by most parliamentary groups, with the exception of the PS

. Article 18 of the State Budget Law for 2018, which provides that for employees in public functions the payment of progressions is based on a score of points, by assigning one point for each year , needed 10 points to advance in the career

However, the Minister has pleaded with the deputies that a "punctual situation should be applied only in the absence of evaluation", and that in the case of higher education teachers, who have a career, this situation does not arise because it is the duty of institutions to set up an evaluation system, and the provisions of the Career Status

Rectors said that it is the interpretation that they apply in the payment of salary increases due to career progression, an interpretation that results from the months meetings and successive requests for clarification of the law sent to the tutelage and the Directorate General of Administration and Public Employment.

After the request for clarification of the law of the EOs motivated an exchange of words between deputies, who accused the rectors of "lack of institutional respect", and Ana Costa Freitas rejected the accusations. "It is a lack of respect for us to tell ourselves that we will not abide by a clear law, which is not the case for us," said the Dean.

The same point of view was championed by João Sagua, of Lisbon, the first to seek clarification of the law from deputies, stating that he "is not at the head" of the deans of harm their colleagues in salary payments if there was an orientation, accompanied by the "financial envelope" to pay the progressions

In addition, the Coordinating Council of Polytechnic Institutes (CCISP), heard at a subsequent hearing, defended through the voice of the President of the Polytechnic School of Cávado and Ave Maria Jose Fernandes, that the institutes "need clarification" And that they must act with caution in this case, under pain of incurring "situations of dubious legality".

At the end of the hearings, the President of the National Union of Higher Education (SNESup), Gonçalo Velho, who accompanied the three hearings this afternoon in parliament, considered, by the way from the hearing of the minister, that he "created a problem and opened the door to an immense injustice where it is better to be evaluated than not to be" and that on the basis of the positions of the majority of the parties, who defended the progression by points, the

For teacher development based on six successive successes, as expected in the academic career status of teaching and defended by Manuel Heitor, the progression corresponds to the award 18 points, three for each excellent, explained Gonçalo Velho. In addition to this inequality, the president of SNESup continued, there is another: the "thousands of teachers" who have not been evaluated.

During the hearings, the president of the CRUP, Fontainhas Fernandes, and the representative of the CCISP, Maria José Fernandes, were in the middle of this situation, because they were evaluated and did not obtain the six excellent successive mentions necessary to the change of rank. said that salary increase payments are underway or about to begin, with some institutions also expecting increased transfers to pay retroactive amounts, compared to January this year. They also expressed confidence that the government will pay the guarantee left by the minister of guardianship that, whenever budgets are not sufficient to pay the payments, there will be corrections and reinforcements.

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