TITANIC "Sails" to EXPOFACIC from July 26


The organizing committee invited the media to a "technical visit" in the premises of the 28th edition of Expofacic, which will take place from 26 July to 5 August at Expo-Desportivo Park of S. Mateus


Journalists and the organization made a tour of the fair, where they had the opportunity to assimilate what had already been the day of the opening of the fair.

Helena Teodósio, always kind, debuted in this procedure as a leader of the municipality, relying on the company of Idalécio Oliveira, the new chairman of the board of directors of the municipality. INOVA, who replaced Patrocínio Alves, the charismatic engineer who has been the face of the fair for many years.

At the end of this traditional visit, to the satisfaction of the regional press, a (19659004) The 28th edition of the agricultural, commercial and industrial fair of Cantanhede (Expofacic), one of the most of the country, increased its budget for the social services of the city, which had the special touch of the restaurant Tempu. 1.6 million euros and an exhibition on the Titanic, which is still being assembled in Portugal, is expected to open in Portugal

The national beginning of 39, an exhibition on the wrecked passenger ship in 1912, entitled "Titanic: The Reconstruction", which includes ten nuclei exposed in a tent of 1500 m2, is the great attraction of the 2018 edition. [19659005] The exhibition "Titanic – Reconstruction" aims to involve the visitor in a journey of knowledge on the most famous ship in the world

It is a show organized in different sectors that offer a Historical, cultural and scientific itinerary on the ship, involving dimensions such as life on board,

For this, the exhibition presents a collection of objects related to the time of the first and last voyage of the Titanic, a model of the great ship, a

The exhibition ion "Titanic – Reconstruction" builds on the conceptual and graphic development of the Exploratory – Science Center Helena Teodósio, Mayor of Cantanhede, recalls that "Expofacic" bet on the growing value of music, of gastronomy, business and exhibitions "and will have a show" at the level of the best festivals in the country ", generating a" mobilizing effect that benefits all sectors "of the f

Idalécio Oliveiras points out that Expofacic "is the largest and most varied exhibition fair of its kind taking place in Portugal, is asserted with a very clean style and high levels of public membership." [Expofacicquioccupeunesuperficied'environ95000m2avec1470mètresdepérimètresituédanslecentredelavilledeCantanhededisposede600espacesd'exposure-avec500exposants-18d'entreeuxpourlesécoles47tasquinhaslagrandemajoritédesassociationsducomtéseptétapes15parkings11jardinsunhôpitaldecampagneetuncampà1500mètresdelazone

buses to transport visitors to and from neighboring destinations go after this year, with another line, and serve communities from Figueira da Foz, Coimbra, Águeda, Aveiro and the beaches of Torca and Mira, in three daily round trips.

In terms of the wealth of visitors in the 11 The days of the event from July 26 to August 5, we expect "numbers similar to the precedents", around 385 000 entries

The poster of the main stage in the British Waterboys (July 31) and James Arthur (August 4) are the highlights, with the Brazilian rapper Marcelo D2 (July 27) ) and the Dire Straits Experience (July 28), a tribute to saxophonist Chris White and drummer Chris Whitten, both former members of Mark Knopfler's band

The Dire Straits Experience, perform on the same day as the national project super-band that revisits the pop / rock themes of the 1980s and 1990s and includes among others, Miguel Ângelo (Delfins), Xana (Macau Radio), Lena d'Água (Fruit salad) Rui Pregal da Cunha (Hero of the sea), Luís Portugal (Jáfumega), Ana Bacalhau and Samuel Úria

The 2 August, Calema (the brothers Fradique and António Fer born in (19659015) Among the national artists, the program includes, among others, Slow J (at the opening, July 26), Tony Carreira (29 July), and the singer Nelson Freitas, the son of Cape Verdean parents. July), Piruka and HMB (July 30), José Cid (July 31) and Ana Moura (August 1), Miguel Araújo and the group of which he was the founder, Olives – although in separate concerts (August 3) and Xutos and Pontapés, in conclusion, August 5th.

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