For the penitentiary Rui Pereira, it should be noted who took the cover of the suction pipe in which the child was trapped and why he did not replace it.
"The member needs to understand what happened and know if there was a negligent homicide here, it can not be considered a normal death." The pool could not be in these conditions. "] CMTV the former Minister of the Interior.
He added that Vic's death can not be considered" the result of 39; a typical risk of those who come on vacation and rent a holiday home. "
The country of the child states that" the filter should be covered The suction was so strong that " he never had a chance. It is incredible that it could happen when a simple cover would have prevented it. "
In Portugal, there is no legislation that requires the adoption of security measures in the domestic swimming pools, which extends to housing cars. There are only recommendations.
Locked Door
When Vic's parents realized that they could not get the boy out, they tried to turn off the electrical switchboard.
19659002] However, this was installed in an annex whose door was locked.
The boy was submerged between 15 and 20 minutes.The mother tried to remove it but could not … In panic, he called the fire department.The child was hospitalized but died at the hospital.
In 1993, two children succumbed to the pipes in the pool of Aquaparque, Restelo.The body of the first was found only 2 days more late, when another child has disappeared.
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