Vila de Rei | The party that 29 years ago shows the county to the world started (with photos and video)



Held this Saturday the 29th edition of the Fair of Sausages, Cheese and Honey of Vila de Rei, at a ceremony attended by the Secretary of State Forests and Rural Development, Miguel Freitas. Before the inaugural visit to 130 exhibitors / stands that show the county's identity through its local products, industries and businesses, crafts, institutions and communities, the noble hall of Paços do Concelho was the stage of the meeting of opening where the future of the interior of the country, new goals and strategies for the county, and initiatives for the valuation of the forest.

Paulo Brito, Mayor of Vila de Rei, opened the inaugural session, referring to a "Very Special" fair with "three major components" that involves the local economy, culture and identity and the social character, friendliness and meeting.

"The great party vilarregenses, this initiative is very relevant for this county," said Paulo Brito, who took advantage of the presence of the secretary of state to strengthen the economic component of the county during his speech, rea emphasizing the "very serious problems that have to do with a very large population depopulation and aging of the region" of the interior of the country, noting the various stakes and strategies taken by the county to try to counter these trends.

Paulo Brito also affirmed the need for valorization of "two great products", in addition to endogenous products, referring to the tourist exploitation of the Castelo de Bode Albufeira and the valorization of the forest.

The president of the assembly table has left "message", in the sense of the population united around a community perspective, to affirm new projects, recalling the candidacy presented by the municipality in the direction of the installation of a biomass power plant, a project where "the municipality is full of body and soul and wants the project (…) we are convinced that it is an area that can give us a significant increase in the economic component, creating a serious and developing component in the forest. "

For his part, Ricardo Aires (PSD), mayor of Vila de Rei, did not fail to point out the 29-year existence of the event, which reveals" the county " , and that "year after year has exceeded all expectations" with strong growth and growing membership, with the presence of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors [19659004]   Vila de Rei | The festival that 29 years ago shows the county to the world started (with photos and video)

The Sausage, Cheese and Honey Fair is a "must-see for the county and for all the region "and at the moment the mayor took the opportunity to recall the 193 square kilometers of territory, of which 71% was forested, with more than 7,000 hectares of forest land burned in 2017, which" ruined the country's economy and unbalanced fiscal balance "

Nevertheless, Ricardo Aires pointed out that his municipality had not given up in the face of vicissitudes and that the municipality was working for the first time. future, presenting 5 applications under the Volunteer Youth for Nature and Forest program.

The mayor said that "interiority does not mean fate, but territorial cohesion presupposes the creation of positive discrimination mechanisms and equal opportunities, we do not welcome saw the differential treatment of forest producers, agricultural producers and companies in the municipality of Vila de Rei who suffered damage and were not supported by the scourge of forest fires, "he said, underlining the need to include the municipality of Vila de Rei. in the pilot project of simplified cadastre, referring to the "unequal conditions of installation of a small biomass plant to install".

<img class = "size-full wp-image-165233" src = " _-2018-2.jpg "alt =" Vila de Rei | Ricardo Aires, president of CM Vila de Rei Photo:

"We want to be at the forefront of reform" (19659013) "

At the end of the speech cycle, Miguel Freitas admitted "to be very sensitive" to the project presented for the installation of the biomass power station in the county, pending the final decision to be taken by the intermunicipal communities with regard to concerns the location of these factories.

"I am a strong supporter of small biomass power plants at the Ministry of Agriculture, which is the vision that Vila de Rei has presented, being centrally self-sufficient and having an ecological vision." [19659004] The leader began his speech by mentioning the importance of National Road 2 as "fundamental and structuring axis" of the country, which runs through the interior of the municipality of Vila de Rei .

He also indicated some of the measures and reflections made to the Council of Ministers, in Pampilhosa da Serra, which "decided the new priority of the country" which begins to look first at the interior region, to the detriment of the coast and islands

Miguel Freitas gave a new vision that advocates the application of "development and maintenance policies" as a way to attract more investment in the territories, by working with the people who live there, adding the existence of two instruments approved for the future, the National Program for Territorial Cohesion and the new National Program for Territory.

  Vila de Rei | The holiday that 29 years ago shows the county to the world began (with photos and video)
Secretary of State Miguel Freitas. With regard to the forest, the Secretary of State understands that there should be a new organization of forest producers, thinking well beyond the economic dimension, and providing for the "creation of forest". a system of payments to public services rendered ".

With regard to the simplified cadastre project, of which Vila de Rei was excluded "in the first wave", Miguel Freitas understands that the project "is"

"We are with about 40%, we are going to month to technically strengthen the team that is doing the recording, so that she can start this process considering enlargement to other municipalities, "he explained, declaring that the government had the intention to present this measure to the Assembly of the Republic in order to "extend this model to the whole country, in the

C & # 39; is the greatest effort ever made to better prepare our forest for forest fires at the national level, "he concluded. also assisted by the deputies to the Assembly of the Republic elected by the constituency of Castelo Branco, Hortense Martins (PS), Manuel Frexes (PSD), also head of the Social Democratic District, and Álvaro Batista, as well as the mayor of CM Sertã, José Farinha Nunes, followed the inauguration of the 29th edition of the Fair of sausages, cheese and honey, with the musical performance of the group "The Chibatas"

Nine days to know, to visit and taste what Vila de Rei has to offer

During the afternoon of opening, at the beginning of the twentieth edition of the Fair sausages, cheese and honey, in Vila de Rei, we talked with the vice-president Paulo César Luís, responsible for the

In addition to sausages, cheese and honey, there are others endogenous products produced in the county and in the region, but also in the industry, giving sign s of "resistance" despite the setbacks that are noted not only in this county, but also throughout the interior region

  Vila de Rei | The purpose of this fair and to show the world is to show that we are still alive, to resist.

"The purpose of this fair and to show the world is to show that we are still alive, despite all the constraints that we have had throughout our history, during these 29 years, we have been keen to maintain the FEQM, to continue to disclose what we do, to attract new audiences and people able to acquire our products to attract investors who can invest in our lands ", he added.

On the other hand, the fair is marked by meetings and the return of migrants and emigrants to the land at this time of the year. "This fair represents what are the" county festivities ", and the Vilarregenses, being here or scattered around the world, are right now that they are joining, bringing their friends and family, to come meet Vila de Rei It is in this sense that the fair has grown, attracting friends from the vilarregenses and especially the vilarregenses, who feel more and more just like theirs, "said Paulo César Luis at

19659004] The program, which runs from July 28 to August 5, has "nine reasons to visit", resulting in nine days with different programs, a strategy that aims to "expand the cultural, musical, sporting, recreational and socializing, to the greatest possible number of tastes, in order to attract the greatest number of people. "

In the music scene, this year's heads are Virgin Suta, who opened this Saturday night, following Fernando Daniel this Sunday. Carolina Deslandes, Zé do Pipo, Sangre Ibérico and Ricardo Azevedo also make up the poster, among other local and regional musical groups, and the entertainment on stage 2, by Djs.

The communities also provide several complementary activities, motorcycle and classic motorcycle rides, canoeing , tennis tournament, among others

Here is the photo gallery of this afternoon of official opening FEQM:


See here the complete program:

Vila de Rei | Get to know the program of the 29th edition of the Sausage, Cheese and Honey Fair

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