Alzheimer Portugal launches campaign to better understand dementia – Observer


The Alzheimer Association Portugal launched a campaign on Monday to improve the understanding of dementia, inviting all Portuguese to "actively engage" to improve the daily lives of people suffering from this disease

Launched on the occasion of International Friendship Day, the "Friends of Dementia" campaign is part of the global "Friends of Dementia" movement in 17 countries. It aims to demonstrate that "it is possible to live better with dementia. "The fight against ignorance and stigma associated with dementia is fundamental, as well as increasing the level of awareness of dementia in Portugal," says Alzheimer's President Portugal, José Carreira, quoted by the newspaper. in the declaration. According to José Carreira, the initiative aims to "help the Portuguese understand how dementia affects people and helps to change the behaviors that make the society more user-friendly for people with dementia."

No matter who can be "Friend in Dementia", simply by accessing the campaign's website, recording, watching a video and then engaging in an action, filling out the D & D form. Commitment, says the association in the statement

Alzheimer Portugal will hold a series of actions in several beaches and Portuguese cities, 21 sites in total, in all districts, where employees and volunteers of the association will have the mission to invite people to become "friends of dementia".

This campaign has the support of the President of the Republic and the General Directorate of Health and has a wide range of partners such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Santa Casa da Misericória de Lisboa, the Fundação PT and the l '. Associação Mutualista Montepio

Through this campaign, the association also intends to respond to recent international calls to develop initiatives that contribute to companies that are friends of people with dementia. The World Health Organization 's "Global Plan of Action for the Response to Dementia in Public Health 2017-2025" contains seven lines of action, the second of which is on awareness raising. Regarding the European framework, the results of the European Dementia Monitor 2017 of Alzheimer Europe, in which Portugal gets a zero score in terms of inclusion and friendly initiatives for people with dementia , are highlighted. Nature to date, refers to the association

The World Health Organization estimates that in the world, there are 47.5 million people with dementia.

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