A girl is infected with HIV every 3 minutes, according to UNICEF


A report from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), presented at the AIDS Conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday, points out that every three minutes, a girl aged 15 to 19 is infected with the HIV virus.

Although there has been substantial progress in the fight against AIDS over the last two decades, the inability to prevent as many new infections among children and adolescents is slowing that progress, has he declared. According to the survey, the spread of the teen epidemic is boosted by early sexual intercourse, including older men, forced sex, helplessness to negotiate sex, poverty and lack of access to confidential advice and testing.

19659002] "In most countries, women and girls do not have access to information, services and even the power to say no to risky sex," Henrietta said. Fore, Executive Director of Unicef. "HIV is flourishing among the most vulnerable and marginalized, putting adolescent girls at the heart of the crisis."

The UNICEF report, presented at an AIDS conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday, revealed that 130,000 or 19 years of age died of AIDS last year and 430,000 were infected – nearly 50 per hour. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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