A healthy mother, a child less likely to be obese | Wellness


Children whose mothers have a healthy lifestyle are less likely to be obese than those whose mothers are less healthy, according to US researchers. "Living a healthy lifestyle can not only help adults improve their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases, but also bring benefits to the health of their children," says Qi Sun of the Public School. public health Chan. , in Boston.

The Boston University team used information from two previously developed studies to see if there is an association between the mother's lifestyle during childhood and adolescence and the risk of obesity between 9 and 18 years. For this, they observed five low-risk lifestyle factors: healthy diet, body mass index in the normal range, no smoking, light to moderate alcohol consumption and moderate or vigorous physical activity at least 150 minutes a week

. Individually, each mother's lifestyle factor, other than a healthy diet, was associated with a significantly lower risk of obesity in their offspring. The risk of obesity decreases with each additional lifestyle factor. For example, children of women who followed three low risk behaviors (healthy eating, physical activity, and light to moderate alcohol consumption) were 23% less likely to be obese than children whose mothers did not no low risk

The researchers also found that children of mothers who met the five criteria were 75% less likely to be obese than children of mothers who had no one's style factors. low risk life.

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