A new blood test may indicate your "true" age


Scientists from Yale University in the United States have created a blood test that can determine the life expectancy of a person based on the physiological age of the body. The idea of ​​the study is to quantify the age of the people by the functioning of the body, different from the most common form, which is to calculate for the years that have elapsed since birth

"Two individuals can be chronologically 50 years old, but one they can have the same risk of dying of someone 55 that the other has the same risk of dying from a 45 years, "said researchers Zuyun Liu, Pei-Lun Kuo, Steve Horvath, Eileen Crimmins, Luigi Ferrucci, Morgan Levine, in the study published in the scientific journal Biorxiv.

The researchers relied on the 39, using nine biomarkers, able to indicate the normal or pathological functioning of the body, which may include the performance of organs, genes and proteins in the human body

. 39, a blood sample, as well as the number of white blood cells and the level of glucose and albumin. This method was carried out by 11,432 people, followed for 12½ years, during which 871 died.

During the analysis, blood tests were performed to check whether participants were developing an illness or dying. Thus, the study calculated the life expectancy and mortality rate for each physiological age group.

Co-author of the Morgan Levine study, Professor of Pathology at Yale University, told BBC News Brazil that the results were more accurate than other tests developed so far that take into account chronological age or just a biological marker. I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm not sure how to do that.
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