A Palestinian teenager is killed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip


The 17-year-old was shot in the chest on Friday during protests near the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah, controlled by the Islamic movement Hamas

. the number of Palestinians killed in these protests after the death of a 12-year-old boy and a 43-year-old man with a bullet fired by the Israeli army, according to the ministry. that 7,000 Palestinian "protesters" threw stones and burned tires at Israeli soldiers on the fence.

At least 157 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip since demonstrations began on March 30 against the Palestinians.

Troops responded "with riot control and fired in accordance with the rules". an Israeli blockade that lasted more than 10 years and demanded the right of return of Palestinians who fled or were driven out of their homes and lands when Israel was formed in 1948.

An Israeli soldier was killed on July 20 by a Palestinian. during a military operation near the barrier, the first in this war zone between Hamas and Israel in 2014.

Three wars have opposed these two protagonists since 2008.

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