A substance that fights Parkinson's and Alzheimer's in tea from the Azores – Observer


A specialist has identified, as a result of an investigation, that Azores green tea contains a substance that promotes cognitive function, can combat dementia such as Parkinson's or Alzeimer, and increases creativity

. [de chás de todo o mundo] I have come to the conclusion that Azorean tea may be superior to other polyphenols, "researcher José Batista, a PhD student in analytical biochemistry, linked to several Portuguese and Canadian universities, told the Lusa news agency. 19659003] Polyphenols are chemicals found in plants and fruits, indicating recent scientific studies that are very beneficial to humans and should therefore be included in foods.According to the scientific community, foods rich in polyphenols have several important actions in the body, being antioxidants, always contributing to give more energy.

The researcher, I am dozens of teas from China, Japan and Thailand – and study this plant there is a decade, publishing scientific studies – ensuring that there is a Chinese "very similar" to the Azoreans, cultivated by the m er, but with three times more theine than the green tea of ​​the Azores

José Batista, who is developing studies to determine in what phase of the Azorean tea plant there is a substance that will increase cognitive functions, he says that it's "less bitter" than the others, which led him to suspect that he has an amino acid

The scientist, in addition to concluding that the Azorean tea "is richer ", now wants to create conditions to exploit this potentiality of green tea, noting that the amino acid, half an hour after ingestion, reaches the brain and will stimulate neurotransmitters like acycline, which fights the Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, for example.

He explained that the amino acid of the Azores has an "opposite effect" to excite as caffeine, appearing as a natural relaxant without side effects like drowsiness, as in benzodiazepines (Xanax).

The investigator said that the amino acid also has an effect on the waves that the brain emits, "increase creativity" in the human being. José Batista, who collaborated with the Ophthalmology Institute of Oporto in developing methodologies helping to diagnose early stage cancer, made the choice to study tea because of its high antioxidant content.

Tea was introduced to the Azores in the 19th century, with the plant from Brazil being the only European region to produce this crop. Two units still exist today, the Gorreana factories, a family business founded in 1883, and Porto Formoso, both located in the municipality of Ribeira Grande, on the island of São Miguel.

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