A truck burns on the A22 in Algarve – Portugal


A heavy vehicle was fired this Thursday and in Via do Infante (Highway 22) in the Algarve, which forced traffic cut in the direction of Portimão-Lagoa, but there is no injury record, said the source of the command.

According to the website of the National Civil Protection Authority, the incident occurred in the parish of Lagoa and Carvoeiro, in the municipality of Lagoa (Faro District) [19659002] (A22), but when they arrived at the scene, the occupant was already out of the vehicle and safe, said the source of the CDOS at the Lusa news agency

. the warning was received at 12:22, indicating that at 25 km from Via do Infante, towards Portimão-Lagoa, a heavy vehicle began to burn. firefighting, even the source replied that "at the beginning the road was interrupted", but he said at 1:50 pm that the traffic was already in the left lane.

In the fight against fire in the heavy vehicle were involved 10 vehicles, with 26 (19659006) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{} }}}}
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