A twin-engine pilot dies in the fall on Mars Camp


SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – A small plane crashed around 6 pm on the runway of the Campo de Marte airport, north of São Paulo. The pilot of the plane died after being trapped in the equipment, according to the fire department. Six other people were saved alive in hospitals in the capital.

In total, there were seven people on board the plane. One of the victims was rescued with the help of the Eagle helicopter, the military police and taken to the Hospital das Clínicas. The others went to Santa Casa de Misericórdia, São Camilo Hospital and the emergency rooms in the central region and the western part of the city.

Initial reports indicated that the survivors had been saved with head and abdominal trauma.

The prefix plane PP-SZN came from Videira, to Santa Catarina, when he hit twice and ended up falling on the track with his head.

Fire crews were fired at 6:20 pm and eight company cars were dispatched to the scene to control the fire caused by the explosion of the aircraft.

Early in the evening, it was still possible to see the work of the rescue teams spreading moss on the runway to prevent the fire from spreading with a possible spill of fuel.

"The fall completely twisted the aircraft, making it difficult to remove the casualties, and the pilot and another victim in the cabin were removed after an hour of ransom. Hospital das Clínicas by Eagle helicopter of the military police, "said the spokesman of the company Captain Marcos Palumbo

It is registered in the register of Anac (National Civil Aviation Agency) that the aircraft is a BE9L turboprop, manufactured in 2008 by Hawker Beechcraft, with a capacity of seven passengers.

The twin engine belongs to the packaging company Videplast, based in the city of Santa Catarina.

In a note to FAB (Brazilian Air Force) A team was sent to Mars Camp to photograph scenes, remove parts of the aircraft for analysis, gather documents and listen to the reports of fallen people.

Until the skill is done, it is impossible to cause the accident.

Folha S.Paulo attempted to contact one of the partners of the company Videplast, owner of the aircraft, but he did not get an answer until the conclusion of this

According to the fire department, the plane hit twice before falling, which prompted the Field Mars team to position themselves before the plane did s & # 39; crushes.

"The Aeronautics fire brigade team in the Champ de Mars was indispensable for controlling the fire and not allowing the flames to reach the victims inside. of the plane, "said the spokesman of the company


The last great tragedy was recorded in 2016, when a single engine with seven people aboard crashed on the roof of a house shortly after taking off, heading to Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro

Among the victims was the former president of Vale, Roger Agnelli.

In 2007, another plane that had just taken off crashed in a house in northern São Paulo, killing eight people, including a baby.

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