A UMa professor gets funding for a project on Rodrigo de Castro


Cristina Santos Pinheiro, professor at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Madeira University (FAH-UMa), has obtained the approval of the funding of the Foundation for Science and Technology as that researcher responsible for the project Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano and the ancient medical tradition on gynecology and embryology, worth € 202,000

Funding, for three years, is the result of a joint proposal of the UMa and the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.

& # 39; Gynecia & # 39; refers to Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano (c.1546-1627 / 29?), a Portuguese physician of Jewish origin, and his medical treatise De universa mulierum medicina, written in Latin and published by the first time in Hamburg (1603 ), with several reprints in the 17th century. This project will explore the old tradition about the nature of women and the conception of embryology that develops Rodrigo de Castro in the aforementioned treatise, the first gynecology written by a Portuguese and that had a great repercussion in Europe from 1600.

In addition to researchers from FAH and FLUL, the project also includes researchers from the universities of Aveiro, Nova de Lisboa, Minho and Católica de Braga, with a total of 16 researchers. The project also relies on the collaboration of five consultants, two researchers of Portuguese nationality and three of foreign nationality.

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